関連するインタープリタ »都市,町,その他の認識された居留区.
限定子規則 quali->vali によって修正された指定特性の値を与える.
speci で定義された propi の値を持つ実体のクラスを表す.
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ActiveHomeListingCount active home listings AdministrativeDivision administrative region AggravatedAssault number of aggravated assaults AggravatedAssaultRate rate of aggravated assault AggregateHomeValue aggregate home value AggregateHomeValue15To24 aggregate home value, householder 15 to 24 years AggregateHomeValue25To34 aggregate home value, householder 25 to 34 years AggregateHomeValue35To64 aggregate home value, householder 35 to 64 years AggregateHomeValue65 aggregate home value, householder 65 years and over AggregateHouseholdIncome aggregate household income AirportCodes airport codes AnnualExcessFuelConsumedPerCommuter fuel spent in delays AnnualExcessFuelConsumedTotal total fuel spent in delays AnnualHoursOfDelayPerAutoCommuter average annual delay AnnualHoursOfDelayTotal total annual delay Area area AreaCodes area code ArterialStreetDailyVehicleMiles arterial street traffic ArterialStreetLaneMiles arterial street length AverageHomeListingPrice average home listing price AveragePublicTransitTripLength average public transit trip distance Burglary number of burglaries BurglaryRate rate of burglary CitySalesTaxRate city sales tax Coordinates coordinates Country country County county CountySalesTaxRate county sales tax CrimeRate total rate of crime CrimeTotal total number of crimes DailyDelayMinutes average daily traffic delay Elevation elevation EntityClasses entity classes EntityTypeList entity type list ForcibleRape number of rapes ForcibleRapeRate rate of rape FreewayDailyVehicle-Miles freeway traffic FreewayLaneMiles freeway length GiniIndex Gini index HasPolygon has polygon? HousePriceIndex FHFA home price index HousePriceIndexAnnualAverage FHFA home price index annual average HousingAffordability housing affordability index HousingPriceIncreasedCount home listings with increased price HousingPriceReducedCount home listings with reduced price HousingUnits households LarcenyTheft number of larcenies LarcenyTheftRate rate of larceny Latitude latitude Longitude longitude MagneticFieldStrength total magnetic field strength MedianAge median age MedianDaysOnHousingMarket median home listing time on market MedianHomeListingPrice median home listing price MedianHomeListingPricePerSquareFeet median home listing price per square foot MedianHomeSalePrice median home sale price MedianHomeSizeInSquareFeet median home size MedianHomeValue median home value MedianHouseholdIncome median household income MetropolitanArea metropolitan area MotorVehicleTheft number of motor vehicle thefts MotorVehicleTheftRate rate of motor vehicle thefts MurderNonnegligentManslaughter incidents of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter MurderNonnegligentManslaughterRate rate of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter Name name NewHomeListingCount new home listings NextDSTShift next daylight saving shift Nicknames nicknames NumberOfHomes number of owner‐occupied housing units PeakPeriodTravelers average daily peak period travelers PeakPeriodTravelersPerCapita peak period travelers per capita PeakPeriodVehicles average daily peak period vehicles PendingHomeListCount pending home listings PeopleBornInCity notable people born in city PeopleDiedInCity notable people who died in city PerCapitaIncome per capita income Polygon polygon Population city population PopulationByEducationalAttainment population by educational attainment PopulationByGeographicalMobility population by migration in previous 12 months PopulationByLanguageSpokenAtHome population by language spoken at home PopulationByMaritalStatus population by marital status PopulationByPovertyStatus population by poverty status PopulationBySchoolEnrollment population by school enrollment PopulationDensity population density Position position PreviousDSTShift last daylight saving shift PropertyCrimeRate total rate of property crime PropertyCrimeTotal total number of property crimes PublicTransportationAnnualPassengerMiles total public transit use PublicTransportationAnnualUnlinkedPassengerTrips unlinked public transit trips RentFourBedrooms 4 bedroom apartment fair market rent RentOneBedrooms 1 bedroom apartment fair market rent RentThreeBedrooms 3 bedroom apartment fair market rent RentTwoBedrooms 2 bedroom apartment fair market rent RentZeroBedrooms studio apartment fair market rent Robbery number of robberies RobberyRate rate of robbery RushHours daily rush hour length StateSalesTaxRate state sales tax TimeZone time zone TotalDailyDelay total daily traffic delay TotalSalesTaxRate total sales tax rate TravelTimeIndex average peak travel time UnemploymentRate unemployment rate UnweightedSampleHousingUnits unweighted sample housing units UnweightedSamplePopulation unweighted sample population ViolentCrimeRate total rate of violent crime ViolentCrimeTotal total number of violent crimes ZIPCodes ZIP codes
- "City"実体は,都市,町,村等の公式の組織化された居留区を表す.
- アメリカ合衆国内の都市についてしか利用できない特性も多い.
- 特性の中には,"City"実体タイプ全体について使え,EntityValue["City",property]の形式を使って得られるものもある.そのような特性には以下が含まれる.
"Properties" 使用できる特性のリスト "PropertyCanonicalNames" 使用できる特性の標準名 "SampleEntities" 使用できる実体のサンプルリスト(通常の長さは10) "SampleEntityClasses" 使用できる実体クラスのサンプルリスト(通常の長さは10) "EntityCount" 使用できる実体の数 "Entities" 使用できる実体のリスト "EntityCanonicalNames" 使用できる実体の標準名 "EntityClasses" 使用できる実体クラスのリスト "EntityClassCanonicalNames" 使用できる実体クラスの標準名 "PropertyClasses" 使用できる特性クラスのリスト "PropertyClassCanonicalNames" 使用できる特性クラスの標準名 "PropertyCount" 使用できる特性の数 - EntityValue["City",property,annotation]の第3引数として以下の注釈が使える.
"Source" 特性の出典情報 "Date" 実体特性値に関連する日付(あれば) "EntityAssociation" 実体と実体特性値の連想 "PropertyAssociation" 特性と実体特性値の連想 "EntityPropertyAssociation" 指定の実体がキー,値が特性と実体特性値のネストした連想である連想 "PropertyEntityAssociation" 指定の特性がキー,値が実体と実体特性値のネストした連想である連想 "Dataset" 指定の実体がキー,値が特性名と実体特性値の連想であるデータ集合 - EntityValue[property,annotation]の第2引数として以下の注釈が使える.
"Qualifiers" 特性の可能な限定子のリスト "QualifierValues" 各限定子に与えることができる値のリスト "DefaultQualifierValues" 特性の限定子のデフォルト値のリスト "Description" 特性についての短いテキストでの説明 "Definition" テキストでの特性についての詳しい説明 "PhysicalQuantity" 実体特性値に関連する物理量 "Unit" 実体特性値に関連する単位 - 限定子の値であるAutomaticは,適用できる形式の値が使えることを意味する.例えば,"Date"限定子には固有の日付や日付範囲が含まれる.