Related Interpreter »
gives the value of a specified property.
gives the value of a list of properties.
gives the value of a specified property modified by qualifier rules quali->vali.
gives the value of a property associated with a particular date specification.
represents a class of entities with values of propi defined by speci.
Sample Entities
Sample Entity Classes

ActiveHomeListingCount active home listings AdjustedNetNationalIncome adjusted net national income AdjustmentSeasonalBorrowings seasonal bank borrowings from Fed, plus adjustments AdministrativeDivisions regions AdultPopulation adult population AdultsObese obese adults AggravatedAssault number of aggravated assaults AggravatedAssaultRate rate of aggravated assault AggregateHomeValue aggregate home value AggregateHomeValue15To24 aggregate home value, householder 15 to 24 years AggregateHomeValue25To34 aggregate home value, householder 25 to 34 years AggregateHomeValue35To64 aggregate home value, householder 35 to 64 years AggregateHomeValue65 aggregate home value, householder 65 years and over AggregateHouseholdIncome aggregate household income AggregateWeeklyHoursIndex aggregate weekly hours index AgriculturalIrrigatedLandFraction agricultural irrigated land fraction AgriculturalLandFraction agricultural land fraction AgriculturalProductionIndex agricultural production index AgriculturalProductionPerCapitaIndex agricultural production per capita index AgriculturalProducts agricultural products AgricultureConsumption consumption AgricultureConsumptionPerCapita consumption per capita AgricultureHarvestArea harvest area AgricultureHarvestAreaPerCapita harvest area per capita AgricultureProduction production AgricultureProductionPerCapita production per capita AgricultureYield average yield AgricultureYieldPerCapita yield per capita AirArrivals arrivals by air AircraftCarriers aircraft carriers AirForce air force Airports airports AirTransport air transport Alcohol alcohol fuel AllPrimaryFuels total primary energy AlternateNames alternate names AMRadioStations AM radio stations AnnualAnnulments annual annulments AnnualBirths annual births AnnualDeaths annual deaths AnnualDivorces annual divorces AnnualHIVAIDSDeaths annual HIV/AIDS deaths AnnualMarriages annual marriages AntenatalCareCoverage antenatal care coverage ArableLandArea annual‐crop land area ArableLandFraction annual‐crop land fraction Area total area ArmoredInfantryFightingVehicles armored infantry fighting vehicles ArmoredPersonnelCarriers armored personnel carriers Army army Artillery artillery AttackHelicopters attack helicopters AutomobileProduction automobile production AverageHomeListingPrice average home listing price AverageHourlyEarnings average hourly earnings AverageLengthOfStay average length of stay AverageNumberOfTimesFirmsSpentInMeetingsWithTaxOfficials average number of meetings with tax officials AverageTimeToClearExportsThroughCustoms average time to clear exports through customs AverageWeeklyHours average weekly hours AverageWeeklyOvertimeHours average weekly overtime hours AviationGasoline aviation gasoline BankersAcceptance bankers acceptance rate BankPrimeLoanRate bank prime loan rate BankPrimeLoanRateChanges bank prime loan rate changes BenefitsCostIndex benefits cost index BirthRateFraction birth rate fraction BirthsAttendedBySkilledHealthPersonnel births attended by skilled health personnel BirthsByCaesareanSection births by caesarean section BookTitles book titles published BorderingCountries bordering countries/regions BordersLengths shared border lengths BoundaryLength full boundary length BurdenOfCustomsProcedure burden of customs procedure Burglary number of burglaries BurglaryRate rate of burglary BusinessActivityIndex business activity index BusinessArrivals professional arrivals BusinessEntryRate business entry rate BusinessExtentOfDisclosureIndex business extent of disclosure CallingCode calling code CapacityUtilization capacity utilization rate CapitalCity capital city CapitalLocation capital location CaseShillerIndex S&P/Case‐Shiller home price index CentralBankIntervention central bank intervention CertificateOfDeposit certificate of deposit ChangesInInventories changes in inventories CheckableDeposits checkable deposits ChemicalsFraction chemicals fraction of manufacturing value added ChildEmploymentFraction child employment ChildPopulation child population ChildrenAged6To59MonthsReceivedVitaminA vitamin A supplementation ChildrenOutOfSchool children not enrolled in schools ChildrenUnderFiveOverweight overweight children ChildrenUnderFiveReceivedAntimalarialTreatment antimalarial treatment for fever ChildrenUnderFiveStunted stunted children ChildrenUnderFiveUnderweight underweight children ChildrenUnderFiveWithARISymptoms children with ARI symptoms taken to facility ChildrenUnderFiveWithDiarrheaReceivingORT diarrheal treatment with ORT ChildrenUnderFiveWithInsecticideNets children sleeping under insecticide-treated nets CinemaAttendance cinema attendance Cinemas number of cinemas CinemaSeats cinema seats CivilianEmploymentPopulationRatio civilian employment population ratio CivilianLaborForce civilian labor force CivilianParticipationRate civilian participation rate CivilianUnemploymentRate civilian unemployment rate Classes classes ClimateTypes climate types CoalLigniteBrown lignite brown coal CoalTotal coal CoalTotalShortTons coal CoastGuard coast guard CoastlineLength coastline length CommercialBanksAssets commercial banks assets CommercialBanksCredit commercial banks credit CommercialPaper commercial paper CommercialPaperNonFinancial commercial paper of nonfinancial companies CommunityAndTraditionalHealthWorkers community and traditional health workers CommunityAndTraditionalHealthWorkersPopulationRatio community and traditional health workers per capita CompensationPerHourIndex compensation per hour index CompletionRate school completion rate CondomUseByYoungPeople prevalence of condom use by young people ConstructionValueAdded construction value added ConsumerCredit consumer credit ConsumerPriceIndex consumer price index ConsumerSentiment consumer sentiment ContainerPortTraffic container port traffic Continent continent ContraceptivePrevalence contraceptive prevalence ContributingFamilyWorkers contributing family workers ContributingFamilyWorkersFraction contributing family workers fraction ConventionalMortgageRate conventional mortgage rate CorporateBondYield corporate bond yield CorporateCapitalConsumptionAdjustment corporate capital consumption adjustment CorporateCashFlow corporate cash flow CorporateDividends corporate dividends CorporateInventoryValuationAdjustment corporate inventory valuation adjustment CorporateProfits corporate profits CorporateProprietorsIncome corporate proprietors income CostOfBusinessStartUpProcedures typical cost of business start up procedures CostToExport typical cost to export one container CostToImport typical cost to import one container CountryCode country code CPI consumer price index Cpia CPIA rating CreditDepthOfInformationIndex credit depth of information CrimeRate total rate of crime CrimeTotal total number of crimes CropsLandArea perennial-crop land area CropsLandFraction perennial-crop land fraction CurrencyCode currency code CurrencyInCirculation currency in circulation CurrencyName currency name CurrencyShortName currency short name CurrencyUnit currency unit CurrentAccount current account CurrentAccountBalance current account balance CurrentExpenditureOnHealth current expenditure on health DailyAverageHotels average daily hotel stays DailyNewspapers daily newspaper circulation DeathRateFraction death rate fraction DebtMeasure debt measure DecAlternativeConversionFactor DEC alternative conversion factor DemandDeposits demand deposits DentistryPersonnel dentistry personnel DentistryPersonnelPopulationRatio dentistry personnel per capita Dependencies dependencies DependencyParent dependency parent DepositInterestRate deposit interest rate DepositsWithFederalReserveBanks deposits with Federal Reserve banks Destroyers destroyers DiscountRateChanges discount rate changes DiscountWindowBorrowing discount window borrowing DiscrepancyInExpenditureEstimateOfGDP discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP DisposablePersonalIncome disposable personal income DocumentsToExport typical documents required per export shipment DocumentsToImport typical documents required per import shipment DrinkingWater improved drinking water sources DryNaturalGas natural gas DryNaturalGasCubicFeet natural gas EaseOfDoingBusinessIndex ease of doing business EconomicAid economic aid EconomicallyActiveChildrenFraction economically active children EducationDuration total school duration EffectiveFederalFundsRate effective federal funds rate ElderlyPopulation elderly population ElectricalGridFrequency electrical grid frequency ElectricalGridPlugImages electrical grid plug images ElectricalGridPlugs electrical grid plug codes ElectricalGridSocketImages electrical grid socket images ElectricalGridSockets electrical grid socket codes ElectricalGridVoltages electrical grid voltages ElectricityBiomass electricity from biomass ElectricityConventionalThermal electricity from fossil fuels ElectricityGeothermal geothermal electricity ElectricityHydroelectric hydroelectric electricity ElectricityHydroPumpedStorage pumped‐storage hydroelectricity ElectricityNuclear nuclear electricity ElectricitySolarTideWave electricity from solar, tide, or waves ElectricityTotal total electricity ElectricityTotalRenewables electricity from renewables ElectricityWind electricity from wind ElectricPowerFallingWaterResources falling water resources for electric power EmigrationRateOfTertiaryEducated emigration rate of tertiary educated EmployeesCompensation employees compensation Employers self‐employed with employees EmployersFraction employers fraction Employment employment EmploymentCostIndex employment cost index EmploymentFraction employment fraction EmploymentToPopulationRatio employment to population ratio EndingAge school ending age EntityClasses entity classes EntityTypeList entity type list EnvironmentalAgreements environmental agreements EnvironmentalIssues environmental issues EthnicGroups ethnic groups EthnicGroupsFractions ethnic mix ExchangeRate exchange rate ExpenditureFractions expenditure fractions ExpenditureOnAncillaryServices expenditure on ancillary services ExpenditureOnDayCare expenditure on day care ExpenditureOnHealth health spending ExpenditureOnHomeHealthCare expenditure on home health care ExpenditureOnInpatientCare expenditure on in-patient care ExpenditureOnMedicalServices expenditure on medical services ExpenditureOnOutpatientCare expenditure on out-patient care ExpenditureOnOverthecounterMedicines expenditure on over-the-counter medicines ExpenditureOnPrescriptionMedicines expenditure on prescription medicines ExpenditurePerStudent expenditure per student ExpenditurePerStudentFraction expenditure per student fraction of GDP per capita ExportCommodities export commodities ExportPartners export partners ExportPartnersFractions export partners fractions ExportsAsACapacityToImport exports as a capacity to import ExportsValue export value ExtendedCreditBorrowings extended credit borrowings ExternalBalance external balance ExternalDebt external debt FactorsAffectingReserveBalancesOfDepositoryInstitutions factors affecting reserve balances of depository institutions FederalDebt federal debt FederalDeficit federal deficit FederalDemandDeposits federal demand deposits FederalDemandDepositsNoteBalances federal demand deposits and note balances FederalInvestment federal investment FederalNoteBalances federal note balances FederalReserveBankDiscountRate Federal Reserve bank discount rate FederalSurplus federal surplus FemaleAdultPopulation female adult population FemaleChildPopulation female child population FemaleElderlyPopulation female elderly population FemaleInfantMortalityFraction female infant mortality fraction FemaleLifeExpectancy female life expectancy FemaleMedianAge female median age FemalePopulation female population FertilizerConsumption fertilizer consumption FertilizerProduction fertilizer production FHAMortgageRate FHA mortgage rate Fighters fighters FightersGroundAttack ground‐attack fighters FinalConsumptionExpenditure final consumption expenditure FinalSalesOfDomesticProduct final sales of domestic product FinalSalesToDomesticPurchasers final sales to domestic purchasers FirmsFormallyRegisteredWhenOperationsStarted firms formally registered when operations started FirmsOfferingFormalTraining firms offering formal training FirmsUsingBanksToFinanceInvestment firms using banks to finance investment FirmsWithFemaleParticipationInOwnership firms with female participation in ownership FiscalYearDate fiscal year date FishProduction fish production FixedBroadbandInternetSubscribers fixed broadband internet subscribers FixedCapitalConsumption fixed capital consumption Flag flag FlagDescription flag description FlagImage flag image FlexibleSeasonalCreditRate flexible seasonal credit rate FMRadioStations FM radio stations FoodBeveragesTobaccoFraction food, beverages and tobacco fraction of manufacturing value added FoodProductionIndex food production index FoodProductionPerCapitaIndex food production per capita index ForcibleRape number of rapes ForcibleRapeRate rate of rape ForeignExchangeReserves foreign exchange reserves ForeignOwnedAssets change in foreign owned assets ForeignOwnedShips foreign owned ships ForeignRegisteredShips foreign registered ships ForestWoodlandArea forest and woodland area FreshwaterWithdrawals freshwater withdrawals FreshwaterWithdrawalsFraction freshwater withdrawals fraction Frigates frigates FullCoordinates full coordinates FullName full name FullNativeNames full native names GasDieselOils gas-diesel oils GDP GDP GDPDeflator GDP deflator GDPPerPersonEmployed GDP per employed person GeneralGovernmentFinalConsumptionExpenditure general government final consumption expenditure GiniIndex Gini index GNI gross national income GovernmentConsumptionExpendituresGrossInvestment government consumption expenditures and gross investment GovernmentCurrentExpenditures government current expenditures GovernmentCurrentReceipts government current receipts GovernmentDebt government debt GovernmentEducationSpendingFractionGNI government education spending as portion of GNI GovernmentInvestment government investment GovernmentReceipts government receipts GovernmentSaving government saving GovernmentSurplus government surplus GrantsInAid grants in aid GreenhouseGasEmissions greenhouse gas emissions GrossCapitalFormation gross capital formation GrossDomesticIncome gross domestic income GrossDomesticProduct GDP GrossDomesticPurchases Gross Domestic Purchases GrossDomesticSavings gross domestic savings GrossFixedCapitalFormation gross fixed capital formation GrossNationalExpenditure gross national expenditure GrossNationalExpenditureDeflator gross national expenditure deflator GrossNationalProduct GNP GrossSavings gross savings GrossStateProduct GSP GrossValueAddedAtFactorCost gross value added at factor cost Groups groups GuestsInHotels total guests in hotels and similar accommodations HasPolygon has polygon? HDI Human Development Index HighestElevation highest elevation HighestPoint highest point HIVAIDSDeathRateFraction HIV-AIDS death rate fraction HIVAIDSFraction HIV/AIDS fraction HIVAIDSPopulation HIV/AIDS population HomeOwnershipRate home ownership rate HospitalBedsPer10000Population hospital beds HoursWorkedIndex hours worked index HouseholdCreditMarketOutstandingDebt household credit market outstanding debt HouseholdDebtService household debt service HouseholdFinalConsumptionExpenditure household final consumption expenditure HouseholdFinancialObligation household financial obligation HousePriceIndex FHFA home price index HousePriceIndexAnnualAverage FHFA home price index annual average HousesSold new single‐family home sales HousingAffordability housing affordability index HousingPermit housing permits HousingPriceIncreasedCount home listings with increased price HousingPriceReducedCount home listings with reduced price HousingStarts housing starts HousingUnits households IlliteracyFraction illiteracy rate ImplicitPriceDeflator implicit price deflator ImportCommodities import commodities ImportPartners import partners ImportPartnersFractions import partners fractions ImportsValue import value ImprovedSanitation improved sanitation IncomePayments income payments IncomeReceipts income receipts IncomeShare income share IndependenceDate independence date IndependenceYear independence year IndustrialProduction industrial production IndustrialProductionGrowth industrial production growth InfantMortalityFraction infant mortality fraction InfectiousDiseases infectious diseases Inflation inflation rate InflationExpectation inflation expectation InflationRate inflation rate InformalPaymentsToPublicOfficials informal payments to public officials InstitutionalMoneyFunds institutional money funds IntakeRateInGrade1 intake rate in grade 1 InterestRateSpread interest rate spread InternationalMigrantStock international migrant stock InternationalOrganizations international organizations InternationalOrganizationsObserver international organizations observer InternetCode internet code InternetHosts internet hosts InternetSpeedDownloadRate average broadband download rate InternetSpeedUploadRate average broadband upload rate InternetUsers internet usage InventoryToSalesRatio inventory to sales ratio InvestmentOnMedicalFacilities investment on medical facilities IPCount IP addresses IRAKeoghAccounts total IRA and Keogh accounts IrrigatedLandArea irrigated land area IrrigatedLandFraction irrigated land fraction IslamicRevolutionaryGuardCorps Islamic Revolutionary Guard corps ISOCertificationOwnership firms with ISO quality certification ISOName ISO name ITURegion International Telecommunication Union region LaboratoryHealthWorkers laboratory health workers LaboratoryHealthWorkersPopulationRatio laboratory health workers per capita LaborForce labor force LaborForceFraction labor force fraction LaborParticipationRate labor participation rate LandArea land area LandAreaCrops crop land area Languages languages LanguagesDialects language dialects LanguagesFractions language fractions LarcenyTheft number of larcenies LarcenyTheftRate rate of larceny LargestCities largest cities Latitude latitude LeadTimeToExport lead time to export LeadTimeToImport lead time to import LegalAbortions annual abortions LeisureArrivals leisure arrivals LendingInterestRate lending interest rate LicensePlateCode license plate code LifeExpectancy life expectancy LinerShippingConnectivityIndex liner shipping connectivity index LiquidAssets liquid assets LiteracyRate literacy rate LivestockPopulation livestock population LogisticsPerformanceIndex logistics performance index Longitude longitude LongTermUnemploymentRate long‐term unemployment rate LossesDueToTheftRobberyVandalismAndArson losses due to theft, robbery, vandalism, and arson LowestElevation lowest elevation LowestPoint lowest point M2InterestRate M2 interest rate M2MinusInterestRate M2 minus interest rate MachineryAndTransportEquipmentFraction machinery and transport equipment fraction of manufacturing value added MainBattleTanks main battle tanks MajorIndustries major industries MajorPorts major ports MaleAdultPopulation male adult population MaleChildPopulation male child population MaleElderlyPopulation male elderly population MaleInfantMortalityFraction male infant mortality fraction MaleLifeExpectancy male life expectancy MaleMedianAge male median age MalePopulation male population ManagementTimeDealingWithOfficials management time dealing with officials ManufacturersNewOrders manufacturers new orders MarineCorps marine corps MarineProtectedAreasFraction protected fraction of territorial waters MaritimeClaims maritime claims MeatProduction meat production MedianAge median age MedianDaysOnHousingMarket median home listing time on market MedianHomeListingPrice median home listing price MedianHomeListingPricePerSquareFeet median home listing price per square foot MedianHomeSalePrice median home sale price MedianHomeSizeInSquareFeet median home size MedianHomeValue median home value MedianHouseholdIncome median household income Memberships memberships MerchantShips merchant ships MerchantShipsDeadWeight merchant ships dead weight MerchantShipsGross merchant ships gross MerchantShipTypes merchant ship types MilitaryAgeFemales military age females MilitaryAgeMales military age males MilitaryAgePopulation military age population MilitaryAgeRate military age rate MilitaryExpenditureFraction military expenditure fraction MilitaryExpenditures military expenditures MilitaryFitFemales military fit females MilitaryFitMales military fit males MilitaryFitPopulation military fit population MinimumWage minimum wage MiscellaneousValueAdded miscellaneous value added MobileCellularSubscriptions mobile cellular subscriptions MonetaryBase monetary base MonetaryServicesIndex monetary services index MoneyMultiplier money multiplier MoneySupply money supply MotorGasoline motor gasoline MotorVehicleTheft number of motor vehicle thefts MotorVehicleTheftRate rate of motor vehicle thefts MultifactorProductivity multifactor productivity MurderNonnegligentManslaughter incidents of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter MurderNonnegligentManslaughterRate rate of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter MZMInterestRate MZM interest rate Name name NationalGendarmerie national gendarmerie NationalGuard national guard NationalIncome national income NationalityName nationality name NativeNames native names NaturalGasExports natural gas exports NaturalGasImports natural gas imports NaturalGasReserves natural gas reserves NaturalGasSpotPrice natural gas price NaturalHazards natural hazards NaturalResources natural resources NaturalResourcesRents natural resources rents Navy navy NeonatesProtectedAgainstNeonatalTetanus neonates protected against neonatal tetanus NetCurrentTransfersFromAbroad net current transfers from abroad NetIncomeFromAbroad net income from abroad NetMigration net migration NewbornsWithLowBirthWeight newborns with low birth weight NewBusinessesRegistered new businesses registered NewHomeListingCount new home listings NewspaperCirculation newspaper circulation NewspaperTitles number of newspaper titles NuclearWarheads size of nuclear stockpile NumberOfHomes number of owner‐occupied housing units NumberOfMarineProtectedAreas number of marine protected areas NumberOfTeachers teachers NumberOfTerrestrialProtectedAreas number of terrestrial protected areas NursingAndMidwiferyPersonnel nursing and midwifery personnel NursingAndMidwiferyPersonnelPopulationRatio nursing and midwifery personnel per capita OfficialLanguages official languages OilExports oil exports OilImports oil imports OilReserves oil reserves OneYearOldsImmunizedWithDTP3 DTP immunization OneYearOldsImmunizedWithHepB3 hepatitis B immunization OneYearOldsImmunizedWithHib3 Hib immunization OneYearOldsImmunizedWithMCV MCV immunization OtherArrivals other arrivals OtherCheckableDeposits other checkable deposits OtherHealthServiceProviders other health service providers OtherManufacturingFraction other manufacturing fraction of manufacturing value added Output economic output OutputPerHour output per hour OvernightHotels total hotel nights OvernightTermEurodollars overnight term Eurodollars OvernightTermRPs overnight and term RPs PaperPaperboardProduction paper and paperboard production PartTimeEmployment part time employment PartTimeEmploymentFraction part time employment fraction PavedAirportLengths paved airport lengths PavedAirports paved airports PavedRoadsFraction paved roads fraction PendingHomeListCount pending home listings PerCapitaIncome per capita income PersistenceToGrade5 persistence to grade 5 PersistenceToLastGradeOfPrimary persistence to last grade of primary PersonalConsumptionExpenditures personal consumption expenditures PersonalIncome personal income PersonalSaving personal saving PersonalSavingRate personal saving rate PetroleumCrudeOil crude oil PetroleumCrudeOilBarrels crude oil PetroleumNGPL natural gas plant liquids PetroleumNGPLBarrels natural gas plant liquids PetroleumTotal total petroleum PetroleumTotalBarrels petroleum PharmaceuticalPersonnel pharmaceutical personnel PharmaceuticalPersonnelPopulationRatio pharmaceutical personnel per capita Physicians physicians PhysiciansPopulationRatio physicians per capita Pipelines pipelines PMICompositeIndex PMI composite index Polygon polygon Population population PopulationByEducationalAttainment population by educational attainment PopulationByGeographicalMobility population by migration in previous 12 months PopulationByLanguageSpokenAtHome population by language spoken at home PopulationByMaritalStatus population by marital status PopulationByPovertyStatus population by poverty status PopulationBySchoolEnrollment population by school enrollment PopulationDensity population density PopulationGrowth population growth Position center coordinates PotentialGrossDomesticProduct potential GDP PovertyGap poverty gap PovertyHeadcount poverty fraction PPPConversionFactorGDP PPP conversion factor gdp PPPConversionFactorPrivateConsumption PPP conversion factor for private consumption PresidentialGuard presidential guard PriceIndex price index PrimaryCredit primary credit PrivateCreditBureauCoverage private credit bureau coverage PrivateDomesticInvestment private domestic investment PrivateFixedInvestment private fixed investment PrivateInventoriesChange private inventories change PrivateSaving private saving ProducerPriceIndex producer price index ProgressionToSecondarySchool progression to secondary school PropertyCrimeRate total rate of property crime PropertyCrimeTotal total number of property crimes ProportionOfSeatsHeldByWomenInNationalParliaments proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments PublicCreditRegistryCoverage public credit registry coverage PublicSpendingOnEducation public spending on education PublicSpendingOnEducationFraction public education spending PumpPriceForDieselFuel pump price for diesel fuel PumpPriceForGasoline pump price for gasoline Pupils students PupilsFraction fraction of students PupilTeacherRatio student/teacher ratio QualityOfPortInfrastructure quality of port infrastructure RadioReceivers radio receivers RadioStations radio stations RailArrivals arrivals by rail RailLines railway length RailwayGaugeLengths railway gauge lengths RailwayGaugeRules railway gauge rules Railways rail transport RatioOfFemaleToMale ratio of female to male students RatioOfYoungLiterateFemaleToMale ratio of young literate female to male RealEffectiveExchangeRateIndex real effective exchange rate index RealInterestRate real interest rate RefineryProcessingGain refinery gain/loss RefineryTotal refinery production RefugeePopulationAsylum refugees from other countries RefugeePopulationOrigin refugees in other countries RegionNames region names ReligionsFractions religions RenewableInternalFreshwaterResources renewable internal freshwater resources RentalIncomeOfPersons rental income of persons Repeaters students repeating a grade RequiredReserves required reserves ResearchDevelopmentScientists research and development researchers ReserveAdjustmentMagnitude reserve adjustment magnitude ReserveAirForce reserve air force ReserveArmy reserve army ReserveBalances reserve balances ReserveBankCredit reserve bank credit ReserveMarineCorps reserve marine corps ReserveNavy reserve navy Reserves reserves RetailMoneyFunds retail money funds RetailSales retail sales RiskPremiumOnLending risk premium on lending RoadAccidentsInjuryAccidents road accidents causing injury RoadAccidentsInjuryAccidentsPerHundredMillionVehicleKilometers road accidents causing injury per amount of traffic RoadAccidentsInjuryAccidentsPerHundredThousandPeople road accidents causing injury per population RoadAccidentsPeopleInjured people injured in road accidents RoadAccidentsPeopleInjuredPerHundredMillionVehicleKilometers people injured in road accidents per amount of traffic RoadAccidentsPeopleInjuredPerHundredThousandPeople people injured in road accidents per population RoadAccidentsPeopleKilled people killed in road accidents RoadAccidentsPeopleKilledPerHundredMillionVehicleKilometers people killed in road accidents per amount of traffic RoadAccidentsPeopleKilledPerHundredThousandPeople people killed in road accidents per population RoadArrivals arrivals by road RoadNetworkHighwaysDensity highways density RoadNetworkHighwaysLength length of highways RoadNetworkMotorwaysDensity motorways density RoadNetworkMotorwaysLength length of motorways RoadNetworkOthersDensity other roads density RoadNetworkOthersLength length of other road types RoadNetworkRoadDensity total road density RoadNetworkSecondaryRoadsDensity secondary roads density RoadNetworkSecondaryRoadsLength length of secondary roads RoadNetworkTotalLength total road length Roads road transport RoadSectorDieselFuelConsumption road sector diesel fuel consumption RoadSectorEnergyConsumption road sector energy consumption RoadSectorEnergyConsumptionFraction road sector energy consumption fraction RoadSectorGasolineFuelConsumption road sector gasoline fuel consumption RoadTrafficBuses bus traffic RoadTrafficMotorcycles motorcycle traffic RoadTrafficPassengerCars passenger car traffic RoadTrafficTotal total road traffic RoadTrafficTrucksAndVans truck and van traffic Robbery number of robberies RobberyRate rate of robbery RoundwoodProduction roundwood production Saving saving SavingsDeposits savings deposits SavingsSmallTimeDeposits savings and small time deposits SawnwoodProduction sawnwood production SchematicPolygon schematic polygon SchoolEnrollmentFraction school enrollment fraction SeasonalBorrowings seasonal bank borrowings from Fed SectorLaborFractions sector labor fractions SecureInternetServers secure internet servers SecuritiesLentToDealers securities lent to dealers SelfEmployed self employed SelfEmployedFraction self employed fraction ServiceRelatedDeposits service related deposits Shape shape ShareOfWomenEmployed share of women employed ShortWaveRadioStations short wave radio stations SignedEnvironmentalAgreements signed environmental agreements SpotOilPrice spot oil price StartingAge school starting age StartUpProceduresToRegisterABusiness start up procedures to register a business StatisticalDiscrepancy statistical discrepancy StrengthOfLegalRightsIndex strength of legal rights Submarines submarines SuffrageType suffrage type TargetFederalFundsRate target federal funds rate TaxPayments number of business taxes TelephoneLines telephone lines TelevisionReceivers television receivers TelevisionStations television stations TermsOfTradeAdjustment terms of trade adjustment TerrainTypes terrain types TerrestrialProtectedAreas terrestrial protected areas TextilesAndClothingFraction textiles and clothing fraction of manufacturing value added TimeDeposits time deposits TimeRequiredToBuildAWarehouse typical time required to build a warehouse TimeRequiredToEnforceAContract typical time required to enforce a contract TimeRequiredToObtainAnOperatingLicense typical time required to obtain an operating license TimeRequiredToRegisterProperty typical time required to register property TimeRequiredToStartABusiness typical time required to start a business TimeSavingsDeposits total time and savings deposits TimeToPrepareAndPayTaxes time to prepare and pay taxes TimeToResolveInsolvency time to resolve insolvency TimeZones time zones TobaccoUseAdolescents current tobacco use among adolescents TobaccoUseAdults current tobacco use among adults TotalArrivals total annual visitors TotalBorrowings total borrowings TotalBusinessesRegistered total registered businesses TotalBusinessInventory total business inventory TotalBusinessTaxRate total business tax rate TotalFertilityRate total fertility rate Trade trade value TradeBalance trade balance TradeDeficit trade deficit TradeValueAdded trade value added TradeWeightedExchangeIndex trade-weighted exchange index TransportationValueAdded transportation value added TravelersChecksOutstanding traveler's checks outstanding Treasury treasury security TreasuryAverageYield treasury average yield TreasuryDeposits treasury deposits TreasurySecuritiesCompositeRate treasury securities composite rate UNCode UN code Unemployment unemployed people UnemploymentAverageDuration unemployment average duration UnemploymentMedianDuration unemployment median duration UnemploymentRate unemployment rate UnilateralCurrentTransfers unilateral current transfers UnitLaborCost unit labor cost UnitNonlaborCost unit nonlabor cost UNNumber UN number UnpavedAirportLengths unpaved airport lengths UnpavedAirports unpaved airports UnpavedRoadLength unpaved road length UnweightedSampleHousingUnits unweighted sample housing units UnweightedSamplePopulation unweighted sample population Uranium uranium USOwnedAssetsAbroad change in US owned assets abroad ValueAdded GDP value added ValueLostDueToElectricalOutages losses due to electrical outages VaultCash vault cash VehicleSales vehicle sales VehiclesInUseBuses buses in use VehiclesInUseBusesPerKilometersOfRoads buses in use per road length VehiclesInUseBusesPerThousandPeople buses in use per population VehiclesInUseMotorcycles motorcycles in use VehiclesInUseMotorcyclesPerKilometersOfRoads motorcycles in use per road length VehiclesInUseMotorcyclesPerThousandPeople motorcycles in use per population VehiclesInUsePassengerCars passenger cars in use VehiclesInUsePassengerCarsPerKilometersOfRoads passenger cars in use per road length VehiclesInUsePassengerCarsPerThousandPeople passenger cars in use per population VehiclesInUseTotal total vehicles in use VehiclesInUseTotalPerKilometersOfRoads total vehicles in use per road length VehiclesInUseTotalPerThousandPeople total vehicles in use per population VehiclesInUseTrucksAndVans trucks and vans in use VehiclesInUseTrucksAndVansPerKilometersOfRoads trucks and vans in use per road length VehiclesInUseTrucksAndVansPerThousandPeople trucks and vans in use per population ViolentCrimeRate total rate of violent crime ViolentCrimeTotal total number of violent crimes VulnerableEmployment vulnerable employment VulnerableEmploymentFraction vulnerable employment fraction WageAndSalariedWorkers wage and salaried workers WageAndSalariedWorkersFraction wage and salaried workers fraction WagesCostIndex wage cost index WaterArea water area WaterArrivals arrivals by sea WaterProductivity water productivity WaterwayLength waterway length Workforce employment WPI wholesale price index

- "Country" entities include countries, dependent territories and other special areas defined by the ISO 3166-1 standard.
- "Country" entity classes include groups of entities with shared geographic, linguistic, demographic or other characteristics, as well as memberships in various international organizations.
- Some properties are available for the "Country" entity type as a whole and can be given using the form EntityValue["Country",property]. Such properties include:
"Properties" the list of available properties "PropertyCanonicalNames" the standard names of available properties "SampleEntities" a sample list of available entities (typically of length 10) "SampleEntityClasses" a sample list of available entity classes (typically of length 10) "EntityCount" number of entities available "Entities" the list of available entities "EntityCanonicalNames" the standard names of available entities "EntityClasses" the list of available entity classes "EntityClassCanonicalNames" the standard names of available entity classes "PropertyClasses" the list of available property classes "PropertyClassCanonicalNames" the standard names of available property classes "PropertyCount" number of properties available - The following annotations can be used in the third argument of EntityValue["Country",property,annotation]:
"Source" source information for the property "Date" the date associated with the entity-property value (if any) "EntityAssociation" an association of entities and entity-property values "PropertyAssociation" an association of properties and entity-property values "EntityPropertyAssociation" an association in which the specified entities are keys, and values are a nested association of properties and entity-property values "PropertyEntityAssociation" an association in which the specified properties are keys, and values are a nested association of entities and entity-property values "Dataset" a dataset in which the specified entities are keys, and values are an association of property names and entity-property values - The following annotations can be used in the second argument of EntityValue[property,annotation]:
"Qualifiers" the list of possible qualifiers for the property "QualifierValues" the list of possible values that can be given to each qualifier "DefaultQualifierValues" the list of default values for the property's qualifiers "Description" a brief textual description of the property "Definition" a detailed textual definition of the property "PhysicalQuantity" the physical quantity associated with the entity-property value "Unit" the unit associated with the entity-property value - A qualifier value of Automatic indicates that an applicable format of values can be used; e.g. for the "Date" qualifier, this includes a proper date or date span.
open allclose allBasic Examples (3)
Scope (22)
Find the GDPs of members of the G7:
Logarithmic rank plot of populations of all countries:
A log-log scatter plot of GDP against population for all countries, with tooltips for country names:
Find the GDP of France in 1970:
Plot the GDP of France from 1970 to 2005:
Generate a world map using a Mollweide projection:
Find the list of all ordinary countries and dependencies:
Find the countries in South America:
Find all supported country groups:
Find members of the East African Community:
Find the number of members in the United Nations:
Find countries that are in the United Nations but not the Universal Postal Union:
Find the populations of all countries in the G7:
The name for Germany in German:
Geo Computation (6)
Generate a polygon boundary for Australia:
The "schematic boundary" has a lower resolution:
Combine the polygons for all countries in South America:
Show countries in South America colored by their arable land fractions:
In the default projection for polygons, the coordinates are literal longitude, latitude values: