File ▶ Open…
opens a dialog box for opening an existing file.

- The Wolfram System understands the following file types:
Wolfram Language files notebooks (.nb, .ma or .nbp), packages (.wl or .m), scripts (.wls) and Computable Document Format (.cdf) Text text files, Rich Text Format EPSF Encapsulated PostScript files - You can open notebooks or packages created using any version of the Wolfram System. Notebooks have the file extension .nb, .ma or .nbp, Wolfram Language packages have the file extension .wl or .m, WolframScript scripts have the file extension .wls and Computable Document Format files have the extension .cdf. When opening a notebook created using Version 5 or earlier, a dialog box will open to allow you to convert the notebook to Version 6 format.
- Files in plain text from any word processor are opened with all the text in a single cell. When all the text appears on one line, you may want to switch the cell style to Text, which uses word wrapping by default.
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