File ▶ New
creates a new notebook, presentation, Demonstration, package, or text document.

- The following can be selected from the New submenu:
Notebook create a new notebook window Chat Notebook create a new chat-enabled notebook Styled Notebook open the Stylesheets palette to create a styled notebook Presenter Notebook create a new slide show notebook Template Notebook create a new template notebook Testing Notebook create a new testing notebook Question Notebook Authoring create a new question notebook Wolfram Language Package create a new package (.wl) file WolframScript Script create a new script (.wls) file Function Resource create a template for a new function resource Data Resource create a template for a new data resource Demonstration create a template for a new Demonstration Paclet Resource create a template for a new paclet resource Example Resource create a template for a new example resource Prompt Resource create a template for a new prompt resource Guide Page create a new guide page Text File create a new text (.txt) file - The new file is initially empty.