Set Detailed Properties of a Notebook
Many properties of notebook appearance and behavior can be customized by setting the values of options.
Open the Option Inspector
Choose Format ▶ Option Inspector ():
Select the notebook whose properties you want to set
Select the notebook whose properties you want to set from the popup menu at the upper left:

Locate the property you want to set
Set the property
Click the property value to enter a new one, or click the icon to select a value interactively:
- See Find a Notebook’s NotebookObject Identifier for the details of how to refer to a particular notebook.
Use SetOptions to set properties of a notebook. EvaluationNotebook refers to the notebook that contains the evaluation:
- Options such as WindowSize and WindowMargins are ignored in cloud notebooks.
Use SetOptions to set properties of a notebook. EvaluationNotebook refers to the notebook that contains the evaluation:
- Options such as WindowSize and WindowMargins are ignored in mobile notebooks.