Restrict access to a cloud object to those who know its permissions key.

When a Cloud Object Is Created...

Create a cloud object with a permissions key

Put text in the Wolfram Cloud that can only be read by those who know the permissions key:

Access the cloud object by giving the permissions key

You must give the permissions key in order to read the text:

For Existing Cloud Objects...

Create a cloud object

Make an online form that gives a map of a specified city:


With the default setting of $Permissions, the form is only accessible to its creator.

Give access to the cloud object to those who know the permissions key

Allow anyone who knows the permissions key to use the form:


Access the cloud object by giving the permissions key

You must give the permissions key in order to use the form:


All cloud objects can be given permissions keys, including data, forms and cloud APIs.
Remove all access to objects associated with a permissions key with DeletePermissionsKey: