PartialControlledCranePartial model for the controlled crane setup |
Partial model for the base setups used in the InversionControlledCrane and PIDControlledCrane examples. Contains the crane crab setup and filtered reference signal.
pulsePeriod |
Value: 20 Type: Time (s) Description: Period of the input pulse, position switches every half period |
inputFilter |
Value: 0.2 Type: Frequency (Hz) Description: Cut-off frequency of the input filter, higher values give sharper movement |
crane_I |
Value: 0.5 Type: Inertia (kg⋅m²) Description: Inertia of the physical crane body |
filter |
Type: Filter Description: Input signal filter, smoothing the signal. |
reference |
Type: Pulse Description: Load position reference, going back and forth between 0 and 1 meters along the X-axis. |
planarWorld |
Type: PlanarWorld Description: Coordinate system. |
crane |
Type: CraneCrabDamped Description: Crab crane setup. |
EducationExamples.MechanicalEngineering.ModelInversionControl Crab crane with PID-controller |
EducationExamples.MechanicalEngineering.ModelInversionControl Crab crane with a model inversion control setup |