Paths, Cycles, and Flows
One of the key problems in graphs is navigation. In particular, the problem is finding the shortest path between two vertices, whether that is finding the way out of a maze or navigating a road network. The lengths of the shortest paths give rise to a whole collection of natural measures such as the diameter of a graph. If instead of navigating from one vertex to another you would like to traverse the whole graph in some way, you are looking for cycles. Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles provide paths that traverse every edge or vertex of graph.
Shortest Paths
FindShortestPath — find the shortest path from the source to a target
ShortestPathFunction — represent a function that gives the shortest path in a graph
FindHamiltonianPath — find the shortest path that traverses every vertex once
FindMaximumFlow — find the maximum flow between two vertices
FindMinimumCostFlow — find minimum cost flows
OptimumFlowData — represent optimum flow data
GraphDistance — the length of the shortest path between two vertices
GraphDistanceMatrix — the matrix of graph distances between all pairs of vertices
Longest Shortest Paths
VertexEccentricity — length of the longest shortest path to every other vertex
GraphRadius — minimum vertex eccentricity
GraphDiameter — maximum vertex eccentricity
GraphCenter — vertices with minimum eccentricity
GraphPeriphery — vertices with maximum eccentricity
Topological Paths
TopologicalSort — gives vertices in an order compatible with graph topology
Cycles and Tours
FindShortestTour — find the shortest tour that traverses every vertex once
FindPostmanTour — find a tour that traverses every edge at least once
FindEulerianCycle — find a cycle that traverses every edge exactly once
FindHamiltonianCycle — find a cycle that traverses every vertex exactly once
FindCycle — find all cycles of specified length
EdgeCycleMatrix ▪ FindFundamentalCycles ▪ EulerianGraphQ ▪ HamiltonianGraphQ
Independent Paths
FindEdgeIndependentPaths — find edge-independent paths between two vertices
FindVertexIndependentPaths — find vertex-independent paths between two vertices
FindPath — find paths between two vertices