Upgrading from:


MeanTest is superseded by the Mathematica kernel functions LocationTest, TTest, and ZTest.
MeanDifferenceTest is superseded by the Mathematica kernel functions LocationTest, TTest, and ZTest.
VarianceTest is superseded by the Mathematica kernel functions VarianceTest and FisherRatioTest.
VarianceRatioTest is superseded by the Mathematica kernel functions VarianceTest and FisherRatioTest.
Confidence interval and pvalue functions, such as NormalCI and NormalPValue, are still available in the Hypothesis Testing Package.

New System Functions

MeanTest with KnownVariance->None is replaced by TTest.

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
OneSidedPValue /. MeanTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, 0]

Onesided tests are replaced by directed alternatives "Less" and "Greater".

MeanTest with numeric KnownVariance is replaced by ZTest.

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
OneSidedPValue /. MeanTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, 0, KnownVariance -> 5]

The optional setting TwoSided->True is replaced by the default AlternativeHypothesis->"Unequal".

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
TwoSidedPValue /. MeanTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, 0, TwoSided -> True]

MeanDifferenceTest with KnownVariance->None is replaced by TTest.

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
OneSidedPValue /. 
 MeanDifferenceTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, {4, 10, 6, 8, 5, 8}, 0]

Onesided tests are replaced by directed alternatives "Less" and "Greater".

Equality of variances is automatically tested by TTest. When this variance test passes, the pvalue will be the same as using MeanDifferenceTest with EqualVariances->True. When the variance test fails, the pvalue will match the result from EqualVariances->False.

MeanDifferenceTest with numeric KnownVariance is replaced by ZTest.

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
OneSidedPValue /. 
 MeanDifferenceTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, {4, 10, 6, 8, 5, 8}, 0, 
  KnownVariance -> {1, 3}]

The optional setting TwoSided->True is replaced by the default AlternativeHypothesis->"Unequal".

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
TwoSidedPValue /. 
 MeanDifferenceTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, {4, 10, 6, 8, 5, 8}, 0, 
  TwoSided -> True]

VarianceTest is replaced by FisherRatioTest.

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
OneSidedPValue /. VarianceTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, 1]

Onesided tests are replaced by directed alternatives "Less" and "Greater".

The optional setting TwoSided->True is replaced by the default AlternativeHypothesis->"Unequal".

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
TwoSidedPValue /. VarianceTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, 1, TwoSided -> True]

VarianceRatioTest is replaced by FisherRatioTest.

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
OneSidedPValue /. 
 VarianceRatioTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, {4, 10, 6, 8, 5, 8}, 2]

Onesided tests are replaced by directed alternatives "Less" and "Greater".

The optional setting TwoSided->True is replaced by the default AlternativeHypothesis->"Unequal".

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
TwoSidedPValue /. 
 VarianceRatioTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, {4, 10, 6, 8, 5, 8}, 2, 
  TwoSided -> True]

Results generated by FullReport->True can be obtained from properties of the particular test.

Version 7.0 << HypothesisTesting`
MeanTest[{1, 2, 4, 6, 3}, 0, FullReport -> True]