Units Package
There are many systems of units. The particular set of units that is used depends on factors as various as the field of study and the author's country of origin. The function Convert provides conversion between different units.
Convert[old,newunits] | convert old to a form involving a combination of newunits |
The conversion of temperature units is different from most other unit conversions because it is not multiplicative. This is simply because the zeros of various systems are set at different values. For example, zero degrees Centigrade is the same as 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
ConvertTemperature[temp,oldunits,newunits] | convert temp from the oldunits scale to the newunits scale |
To organize the use of units, certain standardized systems have been developed. These include the International System (SI) and systems using particular metric units, such as the meter/kilogram/second system. The functions SI, MKS, and CGS convert various units into the standard systems.
SI[expr] | convert expr to SI units (International System) |
MKS[expr] | convert expr to MKS units (meter/kilogram/second) |
CGS[expr] | convert expr to CGS units (centimeter/gram/second) |
Conversion of units into standard systems.
Yocto | 10-24 | Deca | 101 |
Zepto | 10-21 | Hecto | 102 |
Atto | 10-18 | Kilo | 103 |
Femto | 10-15 | Mega | 106 |
Pico | 10-12 | Giga | 109 |
Nano | 10-9 | Tera | 1012 |
Micro | 10-6 | Peta | 1015 |
Milli | 10-3 | Exa | 1018 |
Centi | 10-2 | Zetta | 1021 |
Deci | 10-1 | Yotta | 1024 |
Abampere | Abcoulomb |
Abfarad | Abhenry |
Abmho | Abohm |
Abvolt | Amp |
Biot | Coulomb |
Farad | Gilbert |
Henry | Mho |
Ohm | Siemens |
Statampere | Statcoulomb |
Statfarad | Stathenry |
Statohm | Statvolt |
Volt |
Century | Day |
Decade | Fortnight |
Hour | Millennium |
Minute | Month |
Second | SiderealSecond |
SiderealYear | TropicalYear |
Week | Year |
Units of types of luminous energy and intensity.
Unit of fineness for yarn or thread.