How to | Create Lists
Lists are very important and general structures in the Wolfram Language. They allow you to treat collections of all kinds of objects as a single entity. There are many ways to construct them.
Use the shorthand notation {} to make a list:
Or use List, which automatically is changed to {}:
Use Range with one argument to create a list of integers starting at 1:
Or use Range with two arguments to create a list of integers starting higher:
With three arguments the offset can be different than 1:
This squares each element of the list:
Or use Table to create the first 10 squares:
Just like Range, Table can start higher or jump by any amount:
Use NestList to create a list of the results of applying f to x for 0 through 3 times:
Use Array to create a list of length 4, with elements f[i]:
Use List to create lists of strings:
A matrix in the Wolfram Language is a list of lists.
Use RandomInteger to create a 4×4 matrix of random integers between 0 and 10 (stored as m):
Use MatrixForm to see m as a 2D matrix:
You can apply functions to a list.
You can directly apply math functions to a list:
Math functions keep going deeper:
Some functions give a number as a result:
Length gives the length of a list:
Use Map to apply a function to the elements of a list (not needed for math functions):