represents a color in the LCH color space with lightness l, chroma c and hue h.
specifies opacity a.
returns a color from an HTML color name etc.
returns the LCH representation of color.

- LCHColor is a perceptual color space corresponding to a cylindrical transformation of LABColor with the a and b components represented in polar form in terms of c and h, allowing for easier interpretation of color parameters.
- LCHColor is device independent and corresponds to the CIE
color space with
- Components
can be derived from
parameters of LABColor:
lightness, approximate luminance chroma, color saturation hue, cyclic color from red to green to blue - ColorConvert can be used to convert to and from other color spaces such as RGB and XYZ.
- LCHColor allows any real number for l, c, and h.
- If no opacity has been specified, LCHColor[l,c,h] is equivalent to LCHColor[l,c,h,1].
- LCHColor[l,c,h,a] is equivalent to {LCHColor[l,c,h],Opacity[a]}.
- The alternative forms LCHColor[{l,c,h}] and LCHColor[{l,c,h,a}] can also be used. »
- RGBColor approximately corresponds to l between 0 and 1, c between 0 and 1.3, and h between 0 and 1.
- The following wrappers can be used around colors:
ColorsNear[color,…] specifies a region around color Directive[…,color,…] specifies a color in combination with other directives Glow[color] specifies color independent of lighting » Opacity[a,color] specifies a color with an opacity a » Specularity[color,…] specifies the specularity color Style[expr,color] displays expr with the specified color » - For 3D surfaces, explicit LCHColor directives define surface colors; the final shading depends on lighting and contributions from specularity and glow. »

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Wolfram Research (2014), LCHColor, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2021).
Wolfram Language. 2014. "LCHColor." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2021.
Wolfram Language. (2014). LCHColor. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from