represents a magnetic flux density boundary condition for PDEs with predicate pred indicating where it applies, with model variables vars and global parameters pars.
represents a magnetic flux density boundary condition with local parameters specified in pars[lkey].
- MagneticFluxDensityValue specifies a Neumann boundary value for the MagnetostaticPDEComponent.
- MagneticFluxDensityValue specifies a boundary condition for the MagnetostaticPDEComponent and is used as part of the modeling equation:
- MagneticFluxDensityValue is typically used to model a magnetic flux density field in units of [] that enters or leaves a boundary.
- A positive value denotes the inward magnetic flux, and a negative value denotes an outward flux.
- MagneticFluxDensityValue models a magnetic flux density , normal to the boundary with dependent variable in volts [] and independent variables in [].
- Stationary variables vars are vars={Vm[x1,…,xn],{x1,…,xn}}.
- The linear form of MagnetostaticPDEComponent with vacuum permeability in units of [] and relative permeability is given by:
- MagneticFluxDensityValue with a specified scalar magnetic flux density , normal to the boundary, models:
- MagneticFluxDensityValue models a specified magnetic flux density vector [] with unit normal :
- Model parameters pars are specified as for MagnetostaticPDEComponent.
- The following additional model parameters pars can be given:
parameter default symbol "BoundaryUnitNormal" Automatic "MagneticFluxDensity" - {0,...}
, magnetic flux density in [] "NormalMagneticFluxDensity" , normal magnetic flux density in [] "Thickness" , thickness in [] - All model parameters may depend on the spatial variables .
- In two dimensions, the parameter "Thickness" is taken into account.
- To localize model parameters, a key lkey can be specified, and values from association pars[lkey] are used for model parameters.
- MagneticFluxDensityValue evaluates to a NeumannValue.
- The boundary predicate pred can be specified as in NeumannValue.
- If the MagneticFluxDensityValue depends on parameters that are specified in the association pars as …,keypi…,pivi,…], the parameters are replaced with .
open allclose allBasic Examples (3)
Scope (2)
Applications (1)
Model an iron cube embedded inside air and emerged in a homogeneous magnetic field of [] directed along the axis. The domain is composed of an iron cube of length []. Due to symmetry, only 1/8 of the whole domain is simulated. The air boundary surrounding the iron cube is modeled as a second cube of length [].
The mesh has internal boundaries that represent the inner iron cube.
Visualize a wireframe of the mesh with the iron cube inside:
The parameters to be used are the permeability of vacuum and iron .
To specify the homogeneous magnetic field across the domain, an outward magnetic flux density normal to the boundary at is specified.
Set up the magnetic flux density condition:
Solve the magnetostatic PDE model:
Wolfram Research (2025), MagneticFluxDensityValue, Wolfram Language function,
Wolfram Language. 2025. "MagneticFluxDensityValue." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research.
Wolfram Language. (2025). MagneticFluxDensityValue. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from