Electromagnetic PDEs and Boundary Conditions

Overview  »

Electromagnetics is the field of physics that models electrical and magnetic fields and their interaction.


ElectrostaticPDEComponent model electrostatics

ElectricCurrentPDEComponent model electric currents

ElectricPotentialCondition specify an electric potential on a boundary

ElectricFluxDensityValue specify a flux density value on a boundary

ElectricCurrentDensityValue specify a current density value on a boundary

ElectricSymmetryValue model a boundary with mirror symmetry

MagnetostaticPDEComponent model permanent magnets

MagneticPDEComponent model quasistatic magnetic fields

MagneticPotentialCondition specify a magnetic potential on a boundary

MagneticFluxDensityValue specify a flux density value on a boundary

MagneticSymmetryValue model a boundary with mirror symmetry


Electromagnetics Overview monograph about modeling electromagnetics

Electrostatics monograph about modeling electrostatics

Electric currents monograph about modeling direct and alternating currents

Magnetostatics for Permanent Magnets monograph about modeling magnetostatics of permanent magnets

Quasistatic Magnetic Fields monograph about modeling quasistatic magnetic fields


Electrostatically Actuated MEMS model micro-electromechanical system

Inductive Heating model inductive heating

Joule Heating model Joule heating

Multiple-Aperture Vector Diffraction model diffraction with multiple apertures

Single-Aperture Scalar Diffraction model diffraction with a single aperture

Spherical Capacitor model a spherical capacitor