represents a templated reaction between molecule patterns in reactants and products.
represents a reaction with a specified mapping between atoms in reactants and products.
represents a reaction defined by the given reaction SMARTS string.

- PatternReaction displays in a notebook as a graphical depiction of the reaction. Mapped atom pairs are indicated through a mouseover effect.
- reactants and products should be lists of MoleculePattern objects.
- A pattern reaction is used in conjunction with ApplyReaction to effect transformations on Molecule objects.
- Multiple occurrences of a reactant or product must appear explicitly in the pattern reaction, and stoichiometric coefficients are always assumed to be 1.
- mapping should be a list of the form {{ri,ari}{pj,apj},…}, indicating that the atom with index ari in reactant ri is mapped to the atom with index apj in product pj.
- A reaction SMARTS string is written "reactants>>products", where the reactants and products are valid SMARTS patterns, with components separated by a period. Atom mapping is indicated within the atom primitive by a colon followed by an integer. For example, "[H:1][O:2][H:3]>>[H:1][O-:2].[H+:3]" denotes the breakup of water into a hydroxide ion and a proton.
- For a given PatternReaction rxn, the following properties "prop" can be accessed as rxn["prop"]:
"Reactants" a list of reactants "Products" a list of products "AtomMapping" the atom mapping from reactants to products "FullyAtomMappedQ" returns True if all atoms in the reaction are mapped "Graphics" a graphics object representing the reaction - For a given PatternReaction rxn, the following forms are used to test for applicability in the reaction:
rxn["ReactantMatchQ",mol] returns True if mol matches any reactant pattern in rxn rxn["ReactantMatchQ",mol,n] returns True if mol matches the n reactant pattern
rxn["ReactantMatchList",mol] matches mol against each reactant and returns a list of True or False values rxn["ProductMatchQ",mol] returns True if mol matches any product in rxn rxn["ProductMatchQ",mol,n] returns True if mol matches the n product
rxn["ProductMatchList",mol] matches mol against each product and returns a list of True or False values - PatternReaction is treated as a raw object by functions such as AtomQ.
Basic Examples (3)
Define a pattern reaction for the dissociation of molecular sodium chloride:
Define the same reaction using a SMARTS string:
Define a pattern reaction for the dissociation of hydrochloric acid in water:
Apply the reaction to an acid and an alcohol:
Define a pattern reaction for an intermolecular esterification:
Wolfram Research (2022), PatternReaction, Wolfram Language function,
Wolfram Language. 2022. "PatternReaction." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research.
Wolfram Language. (2022). PatternReaction. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from