

gives a complete maximum-length sequence for a size n linear-feedback shift register.


gives the complete sequence for a linear-feedback shift register with size n and taps at positions tapi.


gives the sequence for a linear-feedback shift register with feedback polynomial poly.


gives the sequence for a shift register with feedback function f.


gives the first s elements of the shift register sequence.


gives the shift register sequence starting from state init.

Details and Options

  • ShiftRegisterSequence[n] uses a particular linear-feedback shift register of size n that gives a maximum-length sequence. When possible, a shift register with three taps is used (corresponding to a trinomial). In general, the shift register used is the one whose specification is lexically smallest.
  • ShiftRegisterSequence[{n,{tap1,tap2,}}] starts from the initial state {1,0,0,0,}, then at each step first takes the sum mod 2 of the values at the positions tapi, then shifts all values to the left, placing the sum on the right and using this as an element of the output.
  • In ShiftRegisterSequence[{n,{tap1,tap2,},f}], the result at each step is obtained by applying f to the list of values from the position tapi.
  • The default for f is effectively Mod[Total[#],2]&.
  • ShiftRegisterSequence[{n,taps}] gives the same complete sequence as ShiftRegisterSequence[Total[x^(taps-1)]+x^n], though the sequence may start from a different point.
  • In ShiftRegisterSequence[poly,init,s], init can be either a list of values of length n or a polynomial whose coefficients correspond to these values.
  • ShiftRegisterSequence[spec,init,All] gives the complete sequence of length .
  • ShiftRegisterSequence[spec,All] is equivalent to ShiftRegisterSequence[spec].
  • ShiftRegisterSequence has the following options:
  • Method Automaticthe shift register updating method to use
    Modulus 2the modulus to assume
  • ShiftRegisterSequence[n,Modulus->p] gives a maximum-length sequence with elements from 0 to .
  • Possible settings for the Method option include:
  • "Fibonacci"use conventions suitable for explicit taps
    "Galois"use conventions suitable for polynomials
    Automaticuse Fibonacci for explicit taps and Galois for polynomials
  • Different settings for the Method option affect the initial conditions for a maximum-length sequence but do not affect the overall sequence of states it contains.


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Basic Examples  (3)

Generate a maximal-length shift register sequence for a register of size 6:

Generate the sequence from a shift register with taps 6, 2, 1:

Use a shift register with the nonlinear feedback function BitOr:

Scope  (4)

Use a polynomial to specify the rule:

Specify the number of elements in the specified sequence:

Specify the initial condition of the register to start the sequence from a random starting point:

Use a polynomial to specify the initial condition for a Galois-type rule:

Options  (2)

Method  (1)

Use the Galois type for the given taps:

Modulus  (1)

Use another modulus:

Applications  (1)

Generate the first few steps of the rule 90 pattern:

Properties & Relations  (2)

When the sequence has maximal length, the polynomial specification corresponds to the tap specification after a rotation:

The nonlinear feedback function Total gives the same sequence as the default:

Wolfram Research (2016), ShiftRegisterSequence, Wolfram Language function,


Wolfram Research (2016), ShiftRegisterSequence, Wolfram Language function,


Wolfram Language. 2016. "ShiftRegisterSequence." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research.


Wolfram Language. (2016). ShiftRegisterSequence. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_shiftregistersequence, author="Wolfram Research", title="{ShiftRegisterSequence}", year="2016", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 26-July-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_shiftregistersequence, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={ShiftRegisterSequence}, year={2016}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 26-July-2024 ]}