"SpokenLanguage" (Built-in Classifier)

Identify which natural language the audio is in.



  • This classifier assumes the audio input is recorded in a unique language. The probabilities reflect the belief in which language the audio is recorded, not the proportion of languages.
  • For large audio inputs, the classifier uses the beginning of the audio recording to determine the overall language.


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Basic Examples  (2)

Determine the languages of an audio recording:

Obtain the probabilities for the most likely languages:

Obtain a ClassifierFunction for this classifier:

Apply the classifier to a list of audio recordings:

Scope  (1)

Load the ClassifierFunction corresponding to the built-in classifier:

Obtain the possible classes:

Properties & Relations  (1)

Identify the language of some synthesized speech:

Automatically identify the language of the text:

Synthesize speech using the identified language:

Identify language from synthesized audio:

Neat Examples  (1)

Obtain different possible languages with their corresponding probabilities:

Visualize the result using WordCloud: