"CuckooFilter" (Data Structure)
represents a set that tests whether elements are definitely not members.

- A cuckoo filter is typically used as a probabilistic set that can test if elements are definitely not members.
- An element can be removed from a cuckoo filter.
- The same element can be inserted multiple times into a cuckoo filter.
- Testing an element for membership of a cuckoo filter will always return False if the element is not a member of the set.
- Testing an element for membership of a cuckoo filter will not always return True if the element is a member of the set.
- Insertion into a cuckoo filter can fail if there is not space for an element.
CreateDataStructure["CuckooFilter",capacity] create a new "CuckooFilter" of specified capacity Typed[x,"CuckooFilter"] give x the type "CuckooFilter" - For a data structure of type "CuckooFilter", the following operations can be used:
ds["Array"] the underlying data in ds time: O(1) ds["Capacity"] the storage capacity of ds time: O(1) ds["Copy"] return a copy of ds time: O(n) ds["CouldContain",x] return True if ds could contain x and False otherwise time: O(1) ds["Delete",x] delete x from ds return True if x might have been an element time: O(1) ds["FalsePositiveProbability"] the probablility of false positive for membership testing time: O(1) ds["Insert",x] insert x into ds time: O(1) ds["Length"] the number of elements stored in ds time: O(1) ds["LoadFactor"] the load factor of ds time: O(1) ds["Visualization"] return a visualization of ds time: O(n) - The following functions are also supported:
dsi===dsj True, if dsi equals dsj FullForm[ds] full form of ds Information[ds] information about ds InputForm[ds] input form of ds Normal[ds] convert ds to a normal expression
open allclose allBasic Examples (1)
A new "CuckooFilter" can be created with CreateDataStructure:
Any expression can be inserted into a "CuckooFilter" data structure:
It is possible to test if an expression is not present. A result of False means that f[2] is definitely not in the set:
A result of True means that f[1] is possibly in the set:
An element can be removed from the set:
Now the element is definitely not in the set:
Insert an element into the set:
Scope (1)
Information (1)
A new "CuckooFilter" can be created with CreateDataStructure:
Possible Issues (1)
Insertion into a cuckoo filter can fail if there is not enough space.
Create a cuckoo filter and insert a number of elements. The visualization shows the distribution:
The load factor is useful for showing how much space is available:
Insertion fails here because there is no space for another element with the same hashing properties: