| ActiveGrowthPeriod | active growth period |
| AdaptedToCoarseTexturedSoilsQ | adapted to coarse textured soils |
| AdaptedToFineTexturedSoilsQ | adapted to fine textured soils |
| AdaptedToMediumTexturedSoilsQ | adapted to medium textured soils |
| AfterHarvestRegrowthRate | after harvest regrowth rate |
| AlternateCommonNames | alternate common names |
| AlternateScientificNames | alternate scientific names |
| AnaerobicTolerance | anaerobic tolerance |
| AreaPerPlantRange | area per plant range |
| BerryNutSeedProductQ | berry nut seed product |
| BinomialAuthor | binomial author |
| Bloat | bloat |
| BloomPeriod | reproductive period |
| CalciumCarbonateTolerance | calcium carbonate tolerance |
| CarbonNitrogenRatio | carbon nitrogen ratio |
| ChristmasTreeProductQ | christmas tree product |
| ColdStratification | cold stratification |
| COLNameCode | COL name code |
| COLNumber | COL number |
| CommercialAvailability | commercial availability |
| CommonName | common name |
| CoppicePotentialQ | coppice potential |
| CountryList | country distribution list |
| DroughtTolerance | drought tolerance |
| Duration | natural life cycle |
| EntityClasses | entity classes |
| EntityTypeList | entity type list |
| FallConspicuousQ | fall conspicuous |
| FederalNoxiousStatus | federal noxious status |
| FederalTEStatus | federal TE status |
| FertilityRequirement | fertility requirement |
| FireResistantQ | fire resistant |
| FireTolerance | fire tolerance |
| FlowerColor | flower color |
| FlowerConspicuousQ | flower conspicuous |
| FodderProductQ | fodder product |
| FoliageColor | foliage color |
| FoliagePorositySummer | foliage porosity summer |
| FoliagePorosityWinter | foliage porosity winter |
| FoliageTexture | foliage texture |
| FruitColor | fruit color |
| FruitConspicuousQ | fruit conspicuous |
| FruitSeedAbundance | fruit/seed abundance |
| FruitSeedBeginPeriod | fruit/seed begin period |
| FruitSeedEndPeriod | fruit/seed end period |
| FuelwoodPotential | fuelwood potential |
| GerminationTemperature | germination temperature |
| GerminationTime | germination time |
| GrowthHabit | growth form |
| GrowthRate | growth rate |
| GrowthRequirementGroups | soil texture requirements |
| HedgeTolerance | pruning tolerance |
| Image | image |
| KnownAllelopathQ | known allelopath |
| LeafRetentionQ | leaf retention |
| Lifespan | lifespan |
| LocalOccurrence | natural occurrence |
| LowGrowingGrassQ | low growing grass |
| LumberProductQ | lumber product |
| MatureHeight | mature height |
| MatureHeightBaseAgeMaximum | maximum mature height at base age |
| MaximumAreaPerPlant | maximum area per plant |
| MaximumpH | maximum pH |
| MaximumPlantingDensityPerAcre | maximum planting density |
| MaximumPrecipitation | maximum precipitation |
| MinimumAreaPerPlant | minimum area per plant |
| MinimumFrostFreeDays | minimum frost free days |
| MinimumpH | minimum pH |
| MinimumPlantingDensityPerAcre | minimum planting density |
| MinimumPrecipitation | minimum precipitation |
| MinimumRootDepth | minimum root depth |
| MinimumTemperature | minimum tolerable temperature |
| MoistureUse | moisture use |
| Name | name |
| NationalWetlandStatus | national wetland status |
| NavalStoreProductQ | naval store product |
| NitrogenFixation | nitrogen fixation |
| NumberOfSubEntities | number of child taxa |
| NurseryStockProductQ | nursery stock product |
| OptimalTemperatureRange | optimal temperature range |
| PalatableBrowseAnimal | palatable to browsing animals |
| PalatableGrazeAnimal | palatable to grazing animals |
| PalatableHuman | human palatability |
| PalatableHumanQ | palatable to humans |
| ParentEntity | parent taxon |
| PersistentFruitSeed | fruit/seed persistence |
| PHRange | pH range |
| PlantHardinessZone | USDA hardiness zone |
| PlantHeatZone | AHS heat zone |
| PlantingDensityPerAcreRange | planting density range |
| PostProductQ | post product |
| PrecipitationRange | precipitation range |
| PropagatedByBareRootQ | propagated by bare root |
| PropagatedByBulbsQ | propagated by bulbs |
| PropagatedByContainerQ | propagated by container |
| PropagatedByCormsQ | propagated by corms |
| PropagatedByCuttingsQ | propagated by cuttings |
| PropagatedBySeedQ | propagated by seed |
| PropagatedBySodQ | propagated by sod |
| PropagatedBySprigsQ | propagated by sprigs |
| PropagatedByTubersQ | propagated by tubers |
| ProteinPotential | protein potential |
| ProvinceList | Canadian province distribution list |
| PulpwoodProductQ | pulpwood product |
| QuadrinomialAuthor | quadrinomial author |
| RegionalWetlandStatus | regional wetland status |
| ReproductionGroups | method of propagation |
| ResproutAbilityQ | resprout ability |
| SalinityTolerance | salinity tolerance |
| ScientificName | scientific name |
| SeedlingVigor | seedling vigor |
| SeedsPerPound | seed count |
| SeedSpreadRate | seed spread rate |
| ShadeTolerance | shade tolerance |
| ShapeAndOrientation | shape and orientation |
| Siblings | sibling taxa |
| SmallGrain | small grain |
| StateList | U.S. state distribution list |
| SubEntities | child taxa |
| SuitabilityGroups | uses |
| Synonyms | synonyms |
| TaxonomicLevel | taxonomic level |
| TaxonomicSequence | taxonomic sequence |
| TaxonomyGraph | taxonomy graph |
| Toxicity | toxicity |
| TrinomialAuthor | trinomial author |
| USDAAcceptedSymbol | USDA accepted symbol |
| USDAClass | USDA class |
| USDADivision | USDA division |
| USDAFamily | USDA family |
| USDAForma | USDA forma |
| USDAGenus | USDA genus |
| USDAGeographicDistribution | USDA geographic distribution |
| USDAKingdom | USDA kingdom |
| USDAOrder | USDA order |
| USDASpecies | USDA species |
| USDASubclass | USDA subclass |
| USDASubdivision | USDA subdivision |
| USDASubkingdom | USDA subkingdom |
| USDASubspecies | USDA subspecies |
| USDASuperdivision | USDA superdivision |
| USDASymbol | USDA symbol |
| USDAVariety | USDA variety |
| VegetativeSpreadRate | vegetative spread rate |
| VeneerProductQ | veneer product |