ISO (.iso)

Background & Context

    • Registered MIME type: application/x-iso9660-image
    • ISO 9660 archive file format.
    • Is the international technical standard for optical disk media.
    • Binary format.
    • Can contain multiple files.
    • ISO 9660 specification published by the International Organization for Standardization.

Import & Export

  • When importing files from an ISO archive, the specific converter for each format will be used.
  • Import["file.iso"] returns an expression of the form {"fn1", "fn2",}, giving full path specifications for all files in "file.iso".
  • Import["file.iso",elem] imports the specified element from an ISO file.
  • Import["file.iso","fn"] extracts "fn" from the archive and imports it.
  • Import["file.iso",{elem,suba,subb,}] imports a subelement.
  • Import["file.iso",{{elem1,elem2,}}] imports multiple elements.
  • Import["file","ISO"] or Import["file",{"ISO",elem,}] imports any file as an ISO archive.
  • Export["file.iso",expr,elem] creates an ISO archive by treating expr as specifying element elem.
  • Export["file.iso",{expr1,expr2,},{{elem1,elem2,}}] treats each expri as specifying the corresponding elemi.
  • Export["file.iso","fn"->expr] exports expr to a file and compresses it as an ISO archive, inferring the file format from the file extension of "fn".
  • Export["file.iso","fn1"->expr1,"fn2"->expr2,] exports multiple expressions to an ISO file archive.
  • See the following reference pages for full general information:
  • Import, Exportimport from or export to a file
    CloudImport, CloudExportimport from or export to a cloud object
    ImportString, ExportStringimport from or export to a string
    ImportByteArray, ExportByteArrayimport from or export to a byte array

Import Elements

  • General Import elements:
  • "Elements" list of elements and options available in this file
    "Summary"summary of the file
    "Rules"list of rules for all available elements
  • The following can be used to select or specify individual files in an ISO archive:
  • "FileNames"list of filenames representing the contents of an ISO archive
    "filename"a single file
    "filename","format" a single file, taken to be in the specified format
    "filename","format",elemelement elem from the specified file
  • Import by default uses the "FileNames" element for the ISO format.
  • Import["file.iso","fn"] extracts and imports file "fn".
  • File names can include relative or absolute directory specifications and the abbreviated string patterns supported by StringMatchQ.
  • Import["file.iso","*"] imports an entire archive.
  • Import["file.iso","dir/*.jpg"] imports all JPEG files from subdirectory dir.
  • Export["file.iso","file1.gif"->expr1,"file2.txt"->expr2] creates an ISO archive containing a GIF and a text file.
  • Export["file",{expr1,expr2},{"ISO",{{"file1","GIF"},{"file2","Text"}}}] is equivalent to the preceding.


open allclose all

Basic Examples  (1)

This creates an ISO archive containing a GIF and a text file:

Importing an ISO archive gives the names of the files in the archive by default:

Import all files using their default element:

Extract and import the GIF file:

Extract and import all text files:

Scope  (1)

Elements for an ISO archive:

Extract available elements for one of the files in the ISO archive:

Import some elements from one of the files in the archive:

Import the default element for multiple files with different formats:

Import Elements  (1)

"FileNames"  (1)

Get the names of all files in an ISO archive:

This is also the default element: