MMCIF (.cif)


    • MIME 类型:chemical/x-cif, chemical/x-mmcif
    • 三维分子模型文件.
    • 用于化学信息应用程序以及用于存储和交换分子模型的网页.
    • 常用作 PDB 格式的替代.
    • mmCIF 是 Macromolecular Crystallographic Information File(大分子晶体学信息文件)的缩写.
    • 来自于 CIF 文件格式.
    • 纯文本格式.
    • 存储大生物分子,例如蛋白质与核酸等的结构信息.
    • 在1990与1997年间由国际晶体学联盟(International Union of Crystallography)开发.

Import & Export

  • Import["file.cif","MMCIF"] reads an mmCIF file and returns a symbolic representation of a biomolecule.
  • Wolfram 语言对高分子提供各种三维渲染样式.
  • Export["file.cif", biomol] creates an MMCIF file from a biomolecule.
  • Import["file.cif","MMCIF"] 返回一个 Graphics3D 对象.
  • Import["file.cif",{"MMCIF",elem}] 从 MMCIF 文件中导入指定的参数.
  • Import["file.cif",{"MMCIF",elem,suba,subb,}] 导入一个子参数.
  • Import["file.cif",{"MMCIF"{elem1,elem2,}}] 导入多个参数.
  • Export["file.cif",biomol] exports the BioMolecule biomol.
  • 请到以下参考页面了解完整的基本信息:
  • Import, Exportimport from or export to a file
    CloudImport, CloudExportimport from or export to a cloud object
    ImportString, ExportStringimport from or export to a string
    ImportByteArray, ExportByteArrayimport from or export to a byte array


  • Import 通用参数:
  • "Elements" 该文件可用的参数和选项列表
  • Data elements:
  • "BioMolecule"a symbolic representation of the macromolecular model
    "Molecule"a symbolic representation of the molecular model
  • Import and Export use the "BioMolecule" element by default for the mmCIF format.
  • A BioMolecule object contains information about the chains and residues, as well as atom types and coordinates. A Molecule object will assign bonds between atoms and discards metainformation such as residue and chain labels.
  • 图形参数:
  • "Graphics3D"mmCIF 文件渲染为一个 Graphics3D 对象
  • 表示数据的参数:
  • "Residues"以三个字母缩写数组表示的残基序列
    "ResidueCoordinates"3D coordinates of residue atoms in angstroms
    "Resolution"spatial resolution of the model coordinates in angstroms
    "VertexCoordinates"atomic coordinates, given in angstroms
  • Wolfram 语言对氨基酸残基使用标准的 IUB/IUPAC.
  • 当导入一个用多个三维模型描述同样分子的 mmCIF 文件时,可以使用以下 Import 参数读取所有模型的几何形状:
  • "ResidueCoordinatesList"每个模型的残基坐标
    "VertexCoordinatesList"atomic coordinates for each model, in angstroms
  • 元信息参数:
  • "Authors"文件中引用的作者信息
    "PDBClassification"文件头的 PDB 分类
    "PDBIDPDB 结构识别字符串


  • The "BioMolecule" import element takes the following options:
  • "DetectSecondaryStructure"Automaticwhether to scan the list of residues to detect helices and sheets
  • The "Graphics3D" import element takes the same options as BioMoleculePlot3D.
  • 选择一个渲染样式:
  • PlotTheme"Ribbons"指定可视化方法
  • Supported plot themes include:
  • "Ribbons"display polymer chains as ribbons
    "Backbone"display polymer chains as ribbons
    "SolventAccessibleSurface"solvent accessible surface
    "GaussianSurface"Gaussian surface
    "VanDerWaalsSurface"van der Waals surface
    "BallAndStick"display atoms and bonds using Sphere and Cylinder primitives
    "Tubes"display bonds as tubes with no atoms
    "Spacefilling"atoms are depicted with spheres with radius matching the van der Waals radius


基本范例  (4)

导入一个 mmCIF 文件:

显示所有可用 Import 参数的名称:

从该 mmCIF 文件中读取参考信息:


显示在样本文件中可用的 Import 参数:

Read all data from an mmCIF file and export it back to the same format:

Export a Molecule object as an mmCIF file:

Import the file and view it in 3D: