AircraftWolfram System Modeler Aircraft Library |
Getting Started |
Introduction to the theory for modeling the flight of an aircraft and to the contents of the Aircraft library |
Troubleshooting |
World coordinate system used in aircraft libray |
A collection of examples to help you get started |
Models and components to be used in the physical modeling environment |
Systems and components for aircraft control |
Models and components to be used in the state space modeling environment |
Atmosphere models |
Package containing utilities |
Units | All units provided by Aircraft |
Quantities | All quantities provided by Aircraft |
The Aircraft library allows you to model an aircraft design and simulate its flight through air for a given flight mission. The library can model existing aircraft designs with known detailed properties as well as model a new aircraft design with only few known key parameters and estimate the more advanced properties based on empirical relationships.
The aircraft are modeled as a rigid body with six degrees of freedom to which aerodynamic forces and torques are applied. The library has two implementations of the 6DOF flight mechanics model, namely the nonlinear physical model and the state space model that is linearized around the trimmed flight conditions for a given altitude, velocity and climb angle.
A short introduction to the theory used in the Aircraft library and the contents of the library are presented in Introduction, and instructions to guide setting up your own models for simulating the flight of an aircraft are given in Getting Started. Examples of simulating different flight scenarios are found in the Examples package.
The Aircraft library is capable of modeling fixed-wing aircraft with conventional wing configuration in sub- and transonic flight up to Mach < 1. However, the fidelity of the model for aerodynamic forces is compromised in the vicinity of Mach 1.