MongoLink Operations
MongoLink is a toolkit for working with MongoDB databases built into the Wolfram Language. It uses the MongoDB C Driver via LibraryLink to interface with MongoDB databases with minimal overhead.
MongoConnect — connect to a MongoDB database
$MongoDefaultCAFile — represents a certificate authority file
MongoGetDatabase — connect to a MongoDB database
MongoGetCollection — connect to a MongoDB collection
Client-Level Operations
Database-Level Operations
MongoDatabaseName ▪ MongoDatabaseDrop ▪ MongoGetCollectionNames
Collection-Level Operations
MongoCollectionName ▪ MongoCollectionDrop ▪ MongoCollectionStats ▪ MongoCollectionValidate
MongoCollectionCount ▪ MongoCollectionFind ▪ MongoCollectionFindOne ▪ MongoCollectionAggregate ▪ MongoCollectionDistinct
MongoCollectionInsert ▪ MongoCollectionUpdateOne ▪ MongoCollectionUpdateMany ▪ MongoCollectionDeleteOne ▪ MongoCollectionDeleteMany ▪ MongoCollectionReplaceOne
Cursor-Level Operations
MongoCursorNext ▪ MongoWriteConcernCreate ▪ MongoCursorSetBatchSize ▪ MongoCursorGetBatchSize ▪ MongoCursorToArray
MongoLink Objects
MongoClient ▪ MongoDatabase ▪ MongoCollection ▪ MongoCursor
MongoWriteConcern ▪ BSONObjectID ▪ MongoInsertResult
MongoDriverVersion — obtain the version of the underlying MongoDB driver used by MongoLink