Image Composition

Overview »
The Wolfram Language includes various image compositing and digital composition techniques, from simple image arithmetic to various modes of alpha compositing. A variety of algorithms in the fields of segmentation, filtering, and feature extraction are also built into the Wolfram Language and can be used to generate different layers of composition.
Basic Image Composition
Blend — blend two or more images
ImageCompose — create an image composite
ImageAdd ▪ ImageSubtract ▪ ImageMultiply ▪ ImageDifference
Image Highlighting
HighlightImage— highlight a region of interest in an image
ImageMarker — marker to indicate a coordinate
Collage Creation
ImageCollage — create an image collage
WordCloud — create a word cloud of expressions
ImageAssemble ▪ ImagePartition
Image Stacking
ImageAlign — align a stack of images
ImageApply — combine multiple images using a general function
ImageExposureCombine ▪ ImageFocusCombine
Foreground/Background Separation »
RemoveBackground — detect and replace image background with transparency