Internet and Computer Systems Data
The Wolfram Language has curated and continuously updated data both on the internet and on features of computer systems. It is also able to retrieve or deduce information about local and remote computer systems being used in computations.
) — request data using free-form linguistics
EntityValue — general access to values of properties for all types of entities
Entity ▪ EntityClass ▪ EntityList ▪ RandomEntity ▪ EntityFunction ▪ ...
Internet & Domain Data
IPAddress — numerical IP address, with hosting information
InternetDomain — registered internet domain (e.g.
TopLevelDomain — internet TLD (e.g. .com)
HostLookup — look up an IP address or host name (DNS and reverse DNS)
Metadata Discovery »
$MachineDomains ▪ $MachineAddresses
FindGeoLocation — geoIP lookup for an IP address
$UserAgentString ▪ $GeoLocation ▪ $TimeZone ▪ ...
Network-Related Data
NetworkService — network service or port (e.g. HTTP)
PingTime — measure the ping time for a network host
Packet Capture and Local Networking »
NetworkPacketCapture — capture information on all network packets
NetworkPacketTrace — record packets during the evaluation of an expression
Computer Systems Data
DisplayFormat — display formats and screen characteristics (e.g. VGA)
ProgrammingLanguage NotableComputer
Classify — infer the programming language of source code
Computer System Discovery »
SystemInformation ▪ $ProcessorType ▪ $OperatingSystem ▪ RepeatedTiming ▪ ...
Data Formats
FileFormat — standard file formats (e.g. JPEG)
FileFormat, StringFormat — infer the format of a file or string
Import ▪ Export ▪ FileConvert ▪ ...
Character — Unicode characters with properties
Wireless Communications
FrequencyAllocation — named frequency bands (e.g. X band)
Satellite — artificial satellites in Earth orbit, with real-time positions