Tabular Data Sources
Tabular data is ubiquitous and occurs in many types of file formats, including spreadsheet formats (csv, ...), statistical formats (sav, ...) and tabular formats (parquet, ...). Tabular data is extensively used in data storage systems, including relational databases (sqlite, ...) and the built-in Wolfram entities. The Wolfram Language provides an extensive data access pipeline covering the multitude of data sources needed. It provides performant data access enabling large-scale data processing. It uses automation such as detecting headings and data in the less structured file formats such as CSV or managing credentials and authentication to digital storage systems.

Data Resources
ResourceData — get curated tabular data from the Wolfram Data Repository
ResourceSearch — search for tabular data in the Wolfram Data Repository
"Sample Tabular Data: Palmer Penguins" ▪ "Sample Tabular Data: Sales Data" ▪ ...
Data Converters
ToTabular — converting to Tabular with detailed control
FromTabular — converting from Tabular with detailed control
Wolfram Knowledgebase »
Entity — a row in a tabular object with each column called a property
EntityClass — a collection of entities, which is effectively a tabular object
EntityValue ▪ EntityProperty ▪ EntityType ▪ ...
Tabular File Formats »
Import — import tabular data from files or URLs
"CSV" ▪ "XLSX" ▪ "XLS" ▪ "ODS" ▪ "SXC" ▪ "TSV" ▪ "Table"
"Parquet" ▪ "ArrowIPC" ▪ "ORC" ▪ "ArrowDataset"
"SAV" ▪ "SAS7BDAT" ▪ "DTA" ▪ "POR" ▪ "XPORT" ▪ "RData" ▪ "RDS" ▪ "DIF"
Data Store Connections
DataConnectionObject — connection to data stores (with authentication, queries, etc.)
"AmazonS3" ▪ "AzureBlobStorage" ▪ "Dropbox" ▪ "IPFS"
Relational Databases »
DatabaseReference — reference to a relational database (with authentication etc.)
RelationalDatabase — symbolic representation of a relational database and its schema
"SQLite" ▪ "PostgreSQL" ▪ "MySQL" ▪ "MicrosoftSQL" ▪ "Oracle"
ToMemory — return an in-memory version of an out-of-core object