Tabular Objects
Tabular data is data structured like a two-dimensional table, with each column of data representing a variable and being of the same type, such as numbers or dates, and each row representing a measurement of all the column variables. Tabular is the key object created and transformed in structured data science. This guide contains the core object and basic operations, such as creation and extraction of information.

Tabular Object
Tabular — column-oriented tabular data
ToTabular — converting to Tabular with detailed control
FromTabular ▪ TabularQ ▪ TabularColumn ▪ TabularColumnQ ▪ TabularRow ▪ TabularRowQ
Summary & Structural Information
TabularStructure — summarize the structure of a Tabular object
ColumnKeys ▪ ColumnTypes ▪ TabularSchema
Rows & Columns by Index
Columns by Key
Key, ExtendedKey — wrappers used to address columns
ColumnKeyExistsQ ▪ KeyDrop ▪ KeyTake
Rows by Key
RowKey — select rows by names if there are key columns
Rows by Value
Select — selecting rows by value
Discard — discarding rows by value
DeleteDuplicates, DeleteDuplicatesBy — remove duplicate rows
Rows by Order
TakeLargestBy — selecting rows by order
TakeSmallestBy ▪ MaximalBy ▪ MinimalBy
Tabular Data Cleaning »
TransformMissing ▪ TransformAnomalies ▪ PivotToColumns ▪ ...