Tabular Transformation
Tabular transformations are typically used to refine data in a way that makes insights and understanding obvious. They range from simple augmentation of data by deriving new columns from existing ones to summarizing data into different groups. Often transformations are used in conjunction with other tasks, such as visualization and modeling. The Wolfram Language provides a set of highly optimized tabular transformation functions that are easy to use and scale to large data.

Modifying Tabular Objects
TransformColumns — compute columns from values in each row
ConstructColumns — extract or construct columns
ColumnwiseThread ▪ ColumnwiseValue ▪ Elementwise
Reordering Tabular Objects »
SortBy ▪ ReverseSortBy ▪ NumericalSort ▪ AlphabeticSort ▪ ...
Simple and Grouped Aggregation »
AggregateRows — simple or grouped aggregation
Total ▪ Count ▪ Mean ▪ Median ▪ Max ▪ StandardDeviation ▪ ...
PivotTable — compute a pivot table with multiple row and column pivots and aggregation
IncludeGroupAggregates — whether to include aggregation for each subgroup
Tabular Objects »
Tabular — column-oriented tabular data
ToTabular ▪ TabularStructure ▪ Select ▪ TakeLargestBy ▪ ...
Tabular Data Cleaning »
TransformMissing — how to handle missing values, impute values, etc.
RenameColumns ▪ CastColumns ▪ PivotToColumns ▪ TransformAnomalies ▪ ...