"Real64" (Compiled Type)
represents an IEEE double‐precision real atomic type specifier.
- "Real64" can be used in Typed and related constructs to specify a type.
- Suitably sized Real expressions can be converted into compiled elements with the type "Real64".
- Compiled elements with the type "Real64" can be converted into Real expressions.
- "Real64" compiled elements are automatically promoted to complex elements when they are combined in binary arithmetic operations.
- "Real32" compiled elements are automatically promoted to "Real64" elements when they are combined in binary arithmetic operations.
- Integers are automatically promoted to "Real64" when they are combined in binary arithmetic operations.
From Expressions
To Expressions
Basic Examples (4)
"Real64" can be used as an input and output from a CompiledCodeFunction:
A domain error can take place while running the function. The computation is terminated, a message is issued and the Wolfram Engine is used to compute the result:

An overflow causes an error while running the function. The computation is terminated, a message is issued and the Wolfram Engine is used to compute the result:

The "Real64" argument is automatically promoted when combined with a complex number:
The "Real32" argument is automatically promoted when combined with a "Real64":
The "Integer8" argument is automatically promoted when combined with a "Real64":