Evaluation ▶ Parallel Kernel Configuration...
Parallel Kernel Configuration
opens a dialog to add, remove, and configure parallel kernels.

- Evaluation ▶ Parallel Kernel Configuration is equivalent to clicking on Edit ▶ Preferences and selecting the Parallel tab.
- Parallel kernels can connect to your Wolfram System in four different ways: to local kernels (on your machine), to kernels on a heterogeneous network running Wolfram Lightweight Grid, to a homogeneous network running a cluster management system (with the Cluster Integration Package), or using remote shell invocation software. Each method has a separate configuration tab containing additional options and settings in the Parallel tab.
- By default, the Wolfram System will use as many local kernels as there are processor cores on your machine (up to the limit set by your license). To add local kernels, select the radio button next to Manual setting and add the kernels.
- To add kernels through Lightweight Grid, first install gridMathematica with Lightweight Grid on the computers you want to use. Then choose the Lightweight Grid tab located under Parallel Kernel Configuration and click Enable Lightweight Grid. Now you can discover more kernels, hide disabled kernels, or set one kernel count for all machines.
- To add kernels through Cluster Integration, you must first have network access to a machine hosting third-party Cluster Engine software such as Windows CCS 2003. Then choose the Cluster Integration tab and click the Enable Cluster Integration button. Finally, specify the Cluster Engine and then choose to add, remove, or duplicate kernel clusters.
- To add remote kernels, choose its tab and click Enable Remote Kernels. Then add, remove, or duplicate host machines running the remote kernels.