"BloombergTerminal" (Service Connection)
Connect your Bloomberg Terminal account to the Wolfram Language to obtain and analyze live market data.
Bloomberg entities are automatically mapped to Wolfram Language entities for immediate or asynchronous lookup.
Connecting & Authenticating
Entity Values
"Properties" — look up properties supported by Bloomberg Terminal service
"PropertyInformation" — look up description for the specified properties.
"Properties" | (required) | Bloomberg properties |
"PropertySearch" — look up description for the specified fields
"Query" | None | Bloomberg properties |
"InstrumentSearch" — look up instruments
"Query" | None | query term | |
"YellowKeyFilter" | None | filter product type | |
MaxItems | 100 | number of elements to return |
Market Data
"Lookup" — look up information on Bloomberg Terminal service
"Instrument" | (required) | Bloomberg instrument name or Bloomberg Global ID (BBGID) | |
"Properties" | (required) | Bloomberg properties |
"TickData" — tick-by-tick history
"Instrument" | (required) | Bloomberg instrument name or BBGID | |
"Date" | Automatic | time interval of tick events | |
"EventType" | "TRADE" | tick events corresponding to the event type |
"IntradayBars" — returns OHLC (open, high, low, close) prices
"Instrument" | (required) | Bloomberg instrument name or BBGID | |
"Date" | Automatic | date range, specified as an Interval or Span | |
"Event" | "TRADE" | intraday bar data for the corresponding event |
"HistoricalData" — returns historical data
"Instruments" | (required) | Bloomberg instrument name or BBGID | |
"Properties" | (required) | Bloomberg Properties | |
"Date" | Automatic | date range |
open allclose allBasic Examples (6)
Get the property "PX_LAST" of the BloombergTerminal entity "MSFT US Equity":
Get the first 5 Bloomberg Terminal properties:
Count all Bloomberg Terminal properties:
Get "TickEvents" for a "TRADE" event:
Get "IntradayBars" for a "TRADE" event:
Get "IntradayBars" for a "BID" event:
Values stored in the TimeSeries:
Continually update "BID", "ASK" and "PX_LAST" for an instrument:
Scope (7)
Get an Association for a list of entities:
Plot daily "OPEN" price for "GE US Equity" since January 1, 2018:
Plot "HIGH" price for "GE US Equity" for every "Month" since January 1, 1990:
Create a ServiceRequest to submit:
Submit the request and receive updates as they happen: