Make palettes for performing frequently used operations like inserting material, changing styles and modifying the selection.

That Inserts Characters...

Create a palette

Make a palette with buttons that insert characters:

  • RawBoxes indicates the low-level representation used in Wolfram Notebooks.

Use the palette

Use the palette to insert a character:

That Inserts Expressions...

Create a palette

Make a palette with buttons that insert expressions:

  • Defer prevents an expression from evaluating until it is has been pasted and evaluated with .
  • When a button expression contains a selection placeholder (), the selection is inserted in its place when the button is used. Type \[SelectionPlaceholder ] or spl to get a selection placeholder.
  • Palette buttons can insert any kind of material, including graphics and images.

Use the palette

Use the palette to build up an expression:

That Changes Styles...

Create a palette

Make a palette with a button that changes the style of the selection:

Use the palette

Use the palette to emphasize text:

That Modifies the Selection...

Create a palette

Make a palette with a button that changes text to uppercase:

Use the palette

Use the palette to change the selection to uppercase:


Palettes can have arbitrary combinations of buttons and other types of controls.
Palette contents can be laid out using typesetting and interface functions such as Row, Column, Grid, Panel and OpenerView.