BallAndBeamSimple model of a ball on a beam, rolling without slipping |
This library contains models used in the documentation of system modeling functionality in Wolfram Language. These examples and this library can be explored in the Wolfram Language documentation.
g |
Value: Modelica.Constants.g_n Type: Acceleration (m/s²) Description: Gravitational acceleration |
lb |
Value: 1 Type: Length (m) Description: Beam length |
wb |
Value: 0.01 Type: Length (m) Description: Beam width |
hb |
Value: 0.15 Type: Length (m) Description: Beam height |
mb |
Value: 0.2 Type: Mass (kg) Description: Mass of the beam |
ms |
Value: 0.05 Type: Mass (kg) Description: Mass of the sphere |
Rs |
Value: 0.1 Type: Radius (m) Description: Radius of the sphere |
b |
Value: 0 Type: RotationalDampingConstant (N⋅m⋅s/rad) Description: Beam rotational damping constant |
T |
Type: RealInput Description: External torque applied to the beam measured in the lab frame |
rs |
Type: RealOutput Description: Position of the center of mass of the sphere along the path of the beam measured from the middle of the beam |
thetab |
Type: RealOutput Description: Angle that the beam forms with the horizontal |
ballAndBeamDynamics |
Type: BallAndBeamDynamics Description: Sphere on a beam dynamics, rolling without slipping |
world |
Type: World Description: World coordinate system + gravity field + default animation definition |
translation |
Type: Translation Description: Translation of frame_b with respect to frame_a |
rotation |
Type: Rotation Description: Fixed translation followed by a rotation of frame_b with respect to frame_a. This component rotates frame_a around an angle with a fixed axis. |
shape |
Type: FixedShape Description: Visualizing an elementary shape with dynamically varying shape attributes (has one frame connector) |
rotationBeam |
Type: Rotation Description: Fixed translation followed by a rotation of frame_b with respect to frame_a. This component rotates frame_a around an angle with a fixed axis. |
beam |
Type: FixedShape Description: Visualizing an elementary shape with dynamically varying shape attributes (has one frame connector) |
DocumentationExamples.Modeling.BallAndBeamClosedLoopSystem A model that encloses a plant and passes its states as outputs |