MultiBodyLibrary to model 3-dimensional mechanical systems |
User's Guide of MultiBody Library |
World coordinate system + gravity field + default animation definition |
Examples that demonstrate the usage of the MultiBody library |
Components that exert forces and/or torques between frames |
Functions to transform rotational frame quantities |
Connectors and partial models for 3-dim. mechanical components |
Components that constrain the motion between two frames |
Rigid components such as bodies with mass and inertia and massless rods |
Sensors to measure variables |
3-dimensional visual objects used for animation |
Constants and types with choices, especially to build menus |
Icons for MultiBody package |
This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.
Library MultiBody is a free Modelica package providing 3-dimensional mechanical components to model in a convenient way mechanical systems, such as robots, mechanisms, vehicles. Typical animations generated with this library are shown in the next figure:
For an introduction, have especially a look at:
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