Image Restoration

Overview »
The Wolfram Language not only includes highly optimized implementations of standard image restoration filters, but also provides sophisticated functions and algorithms allowing retouching, denoising, and deblurring images using state-of-the-art techniques.
Color Adjustments
ImageAdjust — uniformly adjust levels, brightness, contrast, gamma, etc.
HistogramTransform — equalize or match image histograms
Lighter ▪ Darker ▪ ColorBalance ▫ ColorToneMapping ▪ BrightnessEqualize
Sharpen — sharpen the features in an image
ImageDeconvolve — restore information in a blurred image
Inpaint — retouch parts of an image
HarmonicMeanFilter ▪ GeometricMeanFilter
Edge-Preserving Smoothing
BilateralFilter ▪ MeanShiftFilter ▪ KuwaharaFilter
GuidedFilter — smooth and transfer shape of an image using a guide image
CurvatureFlowFilter ▪ PeronaMalikFilter
MinFilter ▪ MaxFilter ▪ CommonestFilter
MedianFilter ▪ WienerFilter ▪ TotalVariationFilter
NonlocalMeansFilter ▪ FourierDCTFilter
ImageFilter — apply an arbitrary function to blocks of pixel values