Related Interpreter »Subatomic particles.
Entity["Particle",name] or
represents an entity of type "Particle".
gives the value of a specified property.
gives the value of a list of properties.
gives the value of a property associated with a particular date specification.
represents a class of entities with values of propi defined by speci.
Sample Entities
Sample Entity Classes

Antiparticle antiparticle BaryonNumber baryon number Bottomness bottomness Charge electric charge ChargeQuantumNumber electric charge ChargeRadius root mean square charge radius ChargeStates charge states Charm charm ClassicalRadius classical radius ComptonWavelength Compton wavelength CParity charge conjugation DecayModes decay modes DecayType decay type ElectricChargeDensity electric charge density EntityClasses entity classes EntityTypeList entity type list Excitations excitations FullDecayModes decay modes FullSymbol full symbol GenericFullSymbol generic full symbol GenericSymbol generic symbol GFactor spin g‐factor GParity G‐parity HalfLife half‐life Hypercharge hypercharge Isospin isospin IsospinGParity IsospinMultiplet isospin multiplet IsospinPartners isospin partners IsospinProjection isospin projection LeptonNumber lepton number Lifetime mean lifetime Mass mass MassDensity mass density MeanSquareChargeRadius mean square charge radius Memberships memberships Name name Parity parity ParticleInteractionsStudied interactions studied PDGNumber PDG number QuarkContent constituent quarks QuarkContentAngularMomentumStateSymbol quark model angular momentum state QuarkContentOrbitalAngularMomentum quark content orbital angular momentum quantum number (L) QuarkContentTotalSpin quark content total spin quantum number (S) Radioactivity radioactivity Radius radius Spin spin SpinParity spin‐parity SpinParityCParity StatisticsType particle statistics Strangeness strangeness Symbol symbol Topness topness Type particle type UnobservedDecayModes unobserved decay modes Width width

- "Particle" entities include elementary particles, e.g. "Electron" and "Photon", and composite particles, e.g. "PiPlus" and "Proton".
- "Particle" entity classes include many different kinds of useful groupings of particles, e.g. "Nucleon", which includes "Proton" and "Neutron", or "Pion", which includes both neutral and charged pions.
- Some properties are available for the "Particle" entity type as a whole and can be given using the form EntityValue["Particle",property]. Such properties include:
"Properties" the list of available properties "PropertyCanonicalNames" the standard names of available properties "SampleEntities" a sample list of available entities (typically of length 10) "SampleEntityClasses" a sample list of available entity classes (typically of length 10) "EntityCount" number of entities available "Entities" the list of available entities "EntityCanonicalNames" the standard names of available entities "EntityClasses" the list of available entity classes "EntityClassCanonicalNames" the standard names of available entity classes "PropertyClasses" the list of available property classes "PropertyClassCanonicalNames" the standard names of available property classes "PropertyCount" number of properties available - The following annotations can be used in the third argument of EntityValue["Particle",property,annotation]:
"Source" source information for the property "Date" the date associated with the entity-property value (if any) "EntityAssociation" an association of entities and entity-property values "PropertyAssociation" an association of properties and entity-property values "EntityPropertyAssociation" an association in which the specified entities are keys, and values are a nested association of properties and entity-property values "PropertyEntityAssociation" an association in which the specified properties are keys, and values are a nested association of entities and entity-property values "Dataset" a dataset in which the specified entities are keys, and values are an association of property names and entity-property values - The following annotations can be used in the second argument of EntityValue[property,annotation]:
"Qualifiers" the list of possible qualifiers for the property "QualifierValues" the list of possible values that can be given to each qualifier "DefaultQualifierValues" the list of default values for the property's qualifiers "Description" a brief textual description of the property "Definition" a detailed textual definition of the property "PhysicalQuantity" the physical quantity associated with the entity-property value "Unit" the unit associated with the entity-property value - A qualifier value of Automatic indicates that an applicable format of values can be used; e.g. for the "Date" qualifier, this includes a proper date or date span.