Physics & Chemistry: Data and Computation
The Wolfram Language provides seamless access to the curated and continuously updated Wolfram Knowledgebase—which includes a wide range of types of data for physics and chemistry. Free-form linguistics provide a convenient mechanism for accessing entities and data. The Wolfram Language also has built-in support for many common types of computations in physics and chemistry.
) — request data using free-form linguistics
Entity Operations »
EntityValue — general access to values of properties for all types of entities
Entity ▪ EntityClass ▪ EntityList ▪ RandomEntity ▪ EntityFunction ▪ ...
Quantities & Units »
Quantity — symbolic representation of a quantity with units
Around — number or quantity with uncertainty
UnitConvert ▪ UnitSimplify ▪ UnitDimensions ▪ ...
Physical Constants
PhysicalConstant — physical constants with their values, uncertainties, etc.
Properties of Matter
Element — chemical elements with atomic, chemical, bulk, etc. properties
Chemical — chemical compounds with structural, physical and other properties
Mineral — standard named minerals with properties
Food — foods and their chemical composition
EntityInstance — specify an amount of a substance, etc.
ThermodynamicData — detailed thermodynamic properties of common fluids
Molecular Structure »
Molecule — symbolic representation of molecules and their structure
Atom ▪ Bond ▪ StereochemistryElements ▪ IncludeHydrogens ▪ ...
MoleculePlot, MoleculePlot3D — render molecules with automatically computed structures
MoleculeValue — values of many computed properties of molecules
FindMoleculeSubstructure ▪ MoleculePattern ▪ MoleculeModify ▪ ...
CrystalSystem CrystalFamily CrystallographicSpaceGroup ▪ LatticeData
Atomic & Optical Physics
SpectralLineData — properties of atomic levels and transitions
PlanckRadiationLaw — properties of blackbody radiation
Laser — laser types
Nuclear & Particle Physics
Isotope — all known isotopes, with static and decay properties
Particle — known stable, unstable and resonance particles
ParticleAccelerator — major particle accelerators
StoppingPowerData — stopping power computation for ionizing radiation
Formulas & Models »
FormulaData — common formulas and equations used in physics and chemistry
PhysicalSystem — common physical systems, with equations and other properties
NDSolve ▪ NBodySimulation ▪ CellularAutomaton
Experiments & Problems
MeasurementDevice FamousPhysicsProblem FamousChemistryProblem