Astronomical Computation & Data

The Wolfram Language provides seamless access to the curated and continuously updated Wolfram Knowledgebase used in Wolfram|Alphawhich includes a wide range of types of data for astronomical science. Free-form linguistics provide a convenient mechanism for accessing all available data; more common categories also have specific associated Wolfram Language functions.

Astronomical Computation

AstroPosition compute and represent the positions of astronomical objects

AstroDistance find the distance between astronomical objects

AstroAngularSeparation find the angle between locations on the celestial sphere

SunPosition, MoonPosition computed positions of Sun, Moon in the sky

AstroSubpoint location on Earth having a celestial body directly above

Astronomical Events

FindAstroEvent date and time of relevant astronomical events

"MarchEquinox"  ▪  "Conjunction"  ▪  "Perihelion"  ▪  "Appulse"  ▪  ...

AstroRiseSet time of rise and set for any astronomical object

Sunrise, Sunset time of sunrise, sunset for any location and date

ReferenceAltitude option defining rise and set events, to compute twilight times

DaylightQ  ▪  DayHemisphere  ▪  NightHemisphere  ▪  DayNightTerminator

MoonPhase phase of the Moon, given as numbers, icons, etc.

MoonPhaseDate date of any phase of the Moon

NewMoon, FullMoon date of new or full moon

SolarEclipse, LunarEclipse detailed solar and lunar eclipse information

Time in Astronomy

SiderealTime time measured by Earth's rotation with respect to the fixed stars

SolarTime time measured by Earth's rotation with respect to the Sun

TimeSystemConvert use different times systems: "UT1", "TT", "TAI",

TimeZoneConvert, LocalTime use different time zones

JulianDate, FromJulianDate continuous count of days

LunationNumber, FromLunationNumber continuous count of new moons

Astronomical Visualization

AstroGraphics build maps of the sky, as observed from a given location at a given time

AstroStyling specify how to style the elements of a map of the sky

AstroBackground  ▪  AstroCenter  ▪  AstroGridLines  ▪  AstroGridLinesStyle  ▪  AstroProjection  ▪  AstroRange  ▪  AstroRangePadding  ▪  AstroReferenceFrame  ▪  AstroZoomLevel

Solar System Objects

Planet solar system planets with static and dynamic properties

PlanetaryMoon natural satellites in the solar system

SolarSystemFeature craters and other features on solid solar system bodies

MinorPlanet minor planets in the solar system, including dwarf planets

Comet modern and historical observed comets with orbital parameters

MeteorShower annual meteor showers visible from Earth

Stars, Galaxies, etc.

Star stars in standard catalogs

Constellation standard constellations as defined by various cultures

Exoplanet confirmed planets beyond the solar system

StarCluster Nebula Pulsar Supernova AstronomicalRadioSource

Galaxy galaxies and galaxy groups from standard catalogs

BlackHole supermassive and stellar mass black holes

Spacecraft & Observatories

Satellite artificial satellites in Earth orbit, including real-time computed positions

GeoVisibleRegion region of Earth visible from a point in space

DeepSpaceProbe planetary and deep space probes

MannedSpaceMission all manned space missions to date

Rocket launch vehicles and other rockets

AstronomicalObservatory major astronomical observatories worldwide

Handling Entities

() request data using free-form linguistics

EntityValue general access to values of properties for all types of entities

Entity  ▪  EntityClass  ▪  EntityList  ▪  RandomEntity  ▪  EntityFunction  ▪  ...

Quantities & Units »

Quantity symbolic representation of a quantity with units

Around number or quantity with uncertainty

UnitConvert  ▪  UnitSimplify  ▪  UnitDimensions  ▪  ...

FromDMS  ▪  DMSList  ▪  DMSString

Astrophysical Computations

FormulaData wide variety of astrophysical formulas

PlanckRadiationLaw blackbody radiation

UniverseModelData cosmological distances, structure and evolution

SpectralLineData spectral lines of elements

Molecule  ▪  Element Chemical


NBodySimulation simulate idealized n-body systems