Create an ARK Address

Generate an address to make basic transactions on the ARK blockchain network.

Using the ARK Mainnet...

Generate the keys

Use GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair to create an ARK key pair to be used for sending and receiving ARK:

  • The ARK blockchain requires a compressed public key.
  • The private key is used to sign a transaction as a sender.

Encode the keys

Use BlockchainKeyEncode to derive a unique new ARK address from the public key:

  • The address is used to receive ARK.

Create QR code

Use BarcodeImage to create a QR code associated with this ARK address:

  • This step is optional but is a common practice to create a QR code of an address to easily read it from mobile wallets.

Send QR code

Use SendMessage to send the address and QR code to your mobile device:

  • If this is the first time you are sending a message, you will need to add a phone number to the Wolfram Integrated Services framework. Verify the phone number, then rerun SendMessage.

Save the private key

Use Export to save the private keys to a .wl file for later use:

  • The private key is used for receiving ARK.

Using the ARK Devnet...

Generate the keys

Use GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair to create an ARK key pair to be used for sending and receiving ARK:

  • The ARK blockchain requires a compressed public key.
  • The private key is used to sign a transaction as a sender.

Encode the keys

Use BlockchainKeyEncode to derive a unique new ARK address from the public key:

  • The public key is used for sending ARK.

Create QR code

Use BarcodeImage to create a QR code associated with this ARK address:

  • This step is optional but is a common practice to create a QR code of an address to easily read it from mobile wallets.

Send QR code

Use SendMessage to send the address and QR code to your mobile device:

  • If this is the first time you are sending a message, you will need to add a phone number to the Wolfram Integrated Services framework. Verify the phone number, then rerun SendMessage.

Save the private key

Use Export to save the private keys to a .wl file for later use:

  • The private key is used for receiving ARK.