
Select the crop tool

Click an image to expose the image toolbar and select the crop tool:

Drag out a cropping rectangle

Drag a rectangle around the image area you want to retain:

Adjust the cropping rectangle if necessary

Drag the drag handles or frame to resize or reposition the cropping rectangle:

Crop the image

Click Crop to crop the image. Click outside of the image to turn off the toolbar:

Programmatically to Remove a Uniform Border...

Automatically trim a uniform border from an image with ImageCrop:

Programmatically to a Given Size...

Crop an image to 210×280 pixels, cropping slightly more on the right than on the left:

  • A cropping fraction of 1 means crop on left (bottom), 0 means crop equally on left and right (bottom and top) and 1 means crop on right (top).

Programmatically, Trimming a Given Amount...

Trim given amounts from the sides of an image using ImagePad with negative values:

Programmatically, Extracting a Subimage by Coordinates...

Extract ranges of rows and columns with ImageTake:

Negative values indicate rows or columns, counting backward from the end:

Programmatically to Remove a Uniform Border...

Automatically trim a uniform border from an image with ImageCrop:

Programmatically to a Given Size...

Crop an image to 210×280 pixels, cropping slightly more on the right than on the left:

  • A cropping fraction of 1 means crop on left (bottom), 0 means crop equally on left and right (bottom and top) and 1 means crop on right (top).

Programmatically, Trimming a Given Amount...

Trim given amounts from the sides of an image using ImagePad with negative values:

Programmatically to Remove a Uniform Border...

Automatically trim a uniform border from an image with ImageCrop:

Programmatically to a Given Size...

Crop an image to 210×280 pixels, cropping slightly more on the right than on the left:

  • A cropping fraction of 1 means crop on left (bottom), 0 means crop equally on left and right (bottom and top) and 1 means crop on right (top).

Programmatically, Trimming a Given Amount...

Trim given amounts from the sides of an image using ImagePad with negative values: