Basic Image Manipulation

Overview »
The Wolfram Language's symbolic architecture makes it possible to treat images just like any other form of expression—applying functions to them, displaying and inputting them in notebooks, and including them directly in programs. The Wolfram Language provides a streamlined collection of functions for basic image manipulation, fully integrated with more advanced processing and its overall language and interactive capabilities.
Structural Operations
ImageCrop — crop to a given size or remove boundaries
ImageTrim — remove the boundaries to include specified pixels
ImagePad — pad an image using various possible methods
ImageTake — take rows and columns of pixels in an image
BorderDimensions — use various methods to find borders on an image
Geometric Operations »
ImageResize, Thumbnail — resize an image by resampling its raster
Image Composition »
ImageCompose ▪ ImageAssemble ▪ ImageCollage ▪ ...
ImageAdd ▪ ImageSubtract ▪ ImageMultiply ▪ ...
Basic Image Processing
ImageAdjust — adjust levels, brightness, contrast, gamma, etc.
ImageClip, Threshold — clip and chop pixel values
ImageEffect — special image and photographic effects
ImageRestyle — machine learning-based graphical style transfer
Sharpen ▪ Blur ▪ Lighter ▪ Darker
ImagePartition ▪ ImageAssemble
Alpha Channel Processing
AlphaChannel — the alpha channel of an image
SetAlphaChannel ▪ RemoveAlphaChannel
ImageCompose — alpha compositing
Pixel Operations
ImageValue, PixelValue — get the value of a pixel at the specified position
ReplaceImageValue, ReplacePixelValue — set value of pixels at specified positions
ImageValuePositions, PixelValuePositions — get pixel positions of a specified value
ImageApply, ImageApplyIndexed — apply an arbitrary function to each pixel value
ImageScan — scan over every pixel of an image, applying a function
Array-Level Manipulation »
ImageData — extract the raw data array for an image
Take ▪ Drop ▪ Transpose ▪ Clip ▪ Chop ▪ Threshold ▪ ArrayFlatten ▪ ...