HS121Trident3BpropulsionPropulsion model for Hawker Siddeley HS-121 Trident 3B |
This custom propulsion model extends the CustomPropulsion model and models the propulsion of the Hawker Siddeley HS-121 Trident 3B.
Figure 1 shows the unusual propulsion configuration of the HS-121 Trident 3B. The aircraft has two turbofan engines mounted on both sides of the rear fuselage (engines 2 & 3), one turbofan engine mounted on the vertical stabilizer (engine 1) and one smaller turbojet engine (booster engine) mounted right on top of the s-duct of engine 1, also inside the vertical stabilizer.
Figure 1: Propulsion configuration of Hawker Siddeley HS-121 Trident 3B. Modified from [1].
The booster engine is only used when the throttle position control signal exceeds boosterThreshold parameter value, after which the throttle position of the booster engine is controlled by the original throttle position control signal subtracted by the booster threshold value scaled up to the interval between 0 and 1.
This propulsion model demonstrates by example how the CustomPropulsion model can be used to model unusual propulsion models that cannot be modeled with the ConventionalPropulsion model.
[1] Wikipedia (2008). Hawker Siddeley Trident 3B airliner G-AWZK.
Available at: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/11/Hawker_Siddeley_Trident.png. [Accessed 24 Oct. 2022].
Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en.
weightEst |
Value: Type: Boolean Description: true, if weight estimation method is used for masses, center of mass location and inertia tensor |
bWing |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Main wing span |
SrefWing |
Value: Type: Area (m²) Description: Main wing reference area |
nEng |
Value: Type: Integer Description: Number of engines |
CADshapes |
Value: Type: Boolean Description: true, if external CAD files are used for animation |
T0 |
Value: Type: Temperature (K) Description: Temperature at sea-level |
rho0 |
Value: Type: Density (kg/m³) Description: Air density at sea-level |
p0 |
Value: Type: Pressure (Pa) Description: Static pressure at sea-level |
gammaAir |
Value: Type: Real Description: Adiabatic index for air |
convProp |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: =true, if conventional propulsion |
kSkinNac |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Nacelle surface roughness height |
engineType |
Value: 3 Type: Integer Description: Type of engine (0 = piston, 1 = turboprop, 2 = turbojet, 3 = turbofan, 4 = electric) |
initialMfuel |
Value: Type: Mass (kg) Description: Initial fuel mass |
wFus |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Fuselage maximum width |
cWingRoot |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Main wing root chord (where wing intersects with fuselage) |
cWingTip |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Main wing tip chord |
tWingRoot |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Main wing root thickness |
tWingTip |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Main wing tip thickness |
xWingRootLE |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Main wing root leading edge x-coordinate w.r.t. fuselage reference point (positive x-axis towards nose) |
zWingRootLE |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Main wing root leading edge z-coordinate w.r.t. fuselage reference point (positive z-axis towards ground) |
lambdaWing |
Value: Type: Angle (rad) Description: Main wing sweep angle at 1/4 chord |
gammaWing |
Value: Type: Angle (rad) Description: Main wing dihedral angle |
iWing |
Value: Type: Angle (rad) Description: Main wing incidence angle |
TRwing |
Value: Type: Real Description: Main wing taper ratio |
tauWing |
Value: Type: Real Description: Ratio of thickness-to-chord ratios at the main wing tip and root |
lambdaWingLE |
Value: Type: Angle (rad) Description: Main wing leading edge sweep angle |
boosterThreshold |
Value: 0.8 Type: Real Description: Threshold for throttle position value to engage booster engine |
wingMounted |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: Engines mounted on wings |
xEng |
Value: -14.9 Type: Length (m) Description: Fuselage mounted engine / Single engine rear end x-location from fuselage reference point (positive x-axis towards nose) |
yEngInner |
Value: 2.3 Type: Length (m) Description: Inner engines y-coordinate w.r.t. fuselage centerline |
zTau |
Value: -0.2 Type: Length (m) Description: Thrust line z-coordinate w.r.t. fuselage reference point for side (#2-5) engines and single engine |
zTauMid |
Value: -0.25 Type: Length (m) Description: Thrust line z-coordinate w.r.t. fuselage reference point for middle (#1) engine |
kappa |
Value: 0 Type: Angle (rad) Description: Engine thrust line angle for side (#2-5) engines and single engine |
kappaMid |
Value: 0 Type: Angle (rad) Description: Engine thrust line angle for middle (#1) engine |
rhoFuel |
Value: 804 Type: Density (kg/m³) Description: Fuel density |
eFuel |
Value: 43000000 Type: SpecificEnergy (J/kg) Description: Fuel energy density |
tankFudgeFactor |
Value: 0.7 Type: Real Description: Fudge factor to shrink the tank size from the maximum possible tank volume |
initialFuel |
Value: 1 Type: Real Description: Initial fuel volume as a fraction of the fuel capacity |
ctrTank |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: true, if aircraft is fitted with center tank |
wingTank |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: true, if aircraft is fitted with wing tanks |
rEng1 |
Value: {-18.7, 0, -zTauMid} Type: Length[3] (m) Description: Location of engine 1 rear end w.r.t. fuselage reference point |
rEng2 |
Value: {xEng, yEngInner, zTau} Type: Length[3] (m) Description: Location of engine 2 rear end w.r.t. fuselage reference point |
rEng3 |
Value: {xEng, -yEngInner, zTau} Type: Length[3] (m) Description: Location of engine 3 rear end w.r.t. fuselage reference point |
rBooster |
Value: {-18.9, 0, -1.34} Type: Length[3] (m) Description: Location of booster engine rear end w.r.t. fuselage reference point |
flightData |
Type: FlightData Description: Global flight data variables |
aircraftRP |
Type: Frame_b Description: Connector to aircraft reference point |
deltaThrotCmd |
Type: RealInput[nEng] Description: Engine throttle commands |
flightData |
Type: FlightData Description: Global flight data variables |
energyStorage |
Type: TankSystem Description: Model for energy storage |
sumConsumption |
Type: Sum Description: Summing of fuel / battery energy consumption |
translEng1 |
Type: FixedTranslation Description: Location of engine 1 rear end w.r.t. fuselage reference point |
translEng2 |
Type: FixedTranslation Description: Location of engine 2 rear end w.r.t. fuselage reference point |
translEng3 |
Type: FixedTranslation Description: Location of engine 3 rear end w.r.t. fuselage reference point |
translBooster |
Type: FixedTranslation Description: Location of booster engine rear end w.r.t. fuselage reference point |
boosterLimiter |
Type: Limiter Description: Limiter to filter signal below the booster threshold value |
add |
Type: Add Description: Output the sum of the two inputs |
const |
Type: Constant Description: Generate constant signal of type Real |
gain |
Type: Gain Description: Gain to scale throttle position signal for booster engine into 0 - 1 interval |
engine2 |
Type: RollsRoyceSpeyRSp4Mk512 Description: Turbofan engine: Rolls-Royce Spey RSp.4 Mk.512 |
engine3 |
Type: RollsRoyceSpeyRSp4Mk512 Description: Turbofan engine: Rolls-Royce Spey RSp.4 Mk.512 |
engine1 |
Type: RollsRoyceSpeyRSp4Mk512 Description: Turbofan engine: Rolls-Royce Spey RSp.4 Mk.512 |
booster |
Type: RollsRoyceRB16286 Description: Turbojet engine: Rolls-Royce RB.162-86 |