
Library of sampler and hold blocks for Real signals

Package Contents


Sample the continuous-time, Real input signal and provide it as clocked output signal (clock is inferred)


Sample the continuous-time, Real input signal and provide it as clocked output signal. The clock is provided as input signal


Sample the continuous-time, Real input signal vector and provide it as clocked output signal vector. The clock is provided as input signal


Sample with (simulated) Analog-Digital converter effects including noise


Hold the clocked, Real input signal and provide it as continuous-time output signal (zero order hold)


Hold with (simulated) Digital-Analog converter effects and computational delay


Sub-sample the clocked Real input signal and provide it as clocked output signal


Super-sample the clocked Real input signal and provide it as clocked output signal


Super-sample the clocked Real input signal and provide it linearly interpolated as clocked output signal (this is also called an Interpolator)


Shift the clocked Real input signal by a fraction of the last interval and and provide it as clocked output signal


Shift the clock of the Real input signal backwards in time (and access the most recent value of the input at this new clock)


Assigns a clock to a clocked Real signal


Assigns a clock to a clocked Real signal vector


Utility components that are usually not directly used


This package contains blocks that mark boundaries of a clocked partition and transform a Real signal from one partition to the next. Especially, the following blocks are provided:

Boundary Type Block Name Description
continuous-time → clocked Sample Sample a continuous-time signal.
SampleClocked Sample and associate a clock to the sampled scalar signal.
SampleVectorizedAndClocked Sample an input vector and associate a clock to the sampled vector signal.
SampleWithADeffects Sample with (simulated) Analog-Digital converter effects including noise.
clocked → continuous-time Hold Hold a clocked signal with zero-order hold.
HoldWithDAeffects Hold with (simulated) Digital-Analog converter effects and computational delay.
clocked → clocked SubSample Sub-sample a signal (output clock is slower as input clock).
SuperSample Super-sample a signal (output clock is faster as input clock).
SuperSampleInterpolated Super-sample a signal with linear interpolation (output clock is faster as input clock).
ShiftSample Shift a signal (output clock is delayed with respect to input clock).
BackSample Shift a signal and start the output clock before the input clock with a start value.
within clocked partition AssignClock Assign a clock to a clocked scalar signal.
AssignClockVectorized Assign a clock to a clocked vector signal.

Additionally, package Utilities contains utility blocks that are used as building blocks for user-relevant blocks. Especially, block UpSample can be used in combination with a FIR filter block to model super-sampling with interpolation and filtering.

Wolfram Language
