Complex Numbers
The Wolfram Language has fundamental support for both explicit complex numbers and symbolic complex variables. All applicable mathematical functions support arbitrary-precision evaluation for complex values of all parameters, and symbolic operations automatically treat complex variables with full generality.
x+I y — the complex number
I () — (entered as
", or
Complex — convert a pair of reals to a complex number
Re — real part
Im — imaginary part
ReIm — the list
Abs — absolute value
Arg — argument (phase angle in radians)
AbsArg — the list {,arg(z)}
Sign — normalized direction ()
Conjugate — complex conjugate (also entered with superscript
ConjugateTranspose — Hermitian conjugate of a matrix (also entered with ct
ComplexExpand — expand symbolic expressions into real and imaginary parts
PowerExpand — expand symbolic expressions ignoring branch cuts
ExpToTrig, TrigToExp — convert between complex exponentials and trig functions
GaussianIntegers — option for polynomial and number theory functions
Reduce — reduce equations and inequalities over complex numbers
RandomComplex — random complex number