The Wolfram Language's symbolic architecture allows a unique representation and treatment of images in both programs and documents. The Wolfram Language supports images with arbitrary numbers of channels and arbitrary color depths, and with a full range of internal data types either specified explicitly or chosen automatically.
ImageQ — test whether an expression is an image
Image Properties
ImageMeasurements — returns specified properties of an image
ImageType — the type of data in the image ("Bit", "Byte", "Bit16", "Real32", "Real64")
ImageData — the array of raster data for an image
ImageColorSpace ▪ ImageChannels ▪ ImageDimensions ▪ ImageAspectRatio
ImageValue, PixelValue — the value of a pixel at the specified position
ImageValuePositions, PixelValuePositions — positions of the specified pixel value
ImageAccumulate — gives the integral image
Image3DSlices — gives the 2D image slices for a 3D image
ConformImages — gives a list of images with conforming properties
Image Options
Options — find the options of an image
ColorSpace — in what color space to interpret channel values ("RGB", "CMYK", etc.)
Interleaving — whether to interleave channels into the data array
MetaInformation — arbitrary metadata imported and exported with an image
ImageSize ▪ Magnification ▪ ImageResolution
Colors & Levels »
ImageHistogram — histogram of levels by channel
FindThreshold — global threshold that partitions the intensity levels
DominantColors — find a list of dominant colors
ImageCooccurrence — co-occurrence matrix of image pixel intensities
BinaryImageQ ▪ Binarize ▪ ImageLevels ▪ ...
ColorConvert — convert between color spaces
AlphaChannel ▪ ColorSeparate ▪ ColorCombine
Dynamic Viewer
DynamicImage — display a dynamic view of an image, a file or a URL
Image Decompositions
KarhunenLoeveDecomposition ▪ PrincipalComponents