The Wolfram Language's symbolic architecture allows a unique representation and treatment of images in both programs and documents. The Wolfram Language supports images with arbitrary numbers of channels and arbitrary color depths, and with a full range of internal data types either specified explicitly or chosen automatically.

Image, Image3D represent a general multichannel image

ImageQ test whether an expression is an image

Image Properties

ImageMeasurements returns specified properties of an image

ImageType the type of data in the image ("Bit", "Byte", "Bit16", "Real32", "Real64")

ImageData the array of raster data for an image

ImageColorSpace  ▪  ImageChannels  ▪  ImageDimensions  ▪  ImageAspectRatio

ImageValue, PixelValue the value of a pixel at the specified position

ImageValuePositions, PixelValuePositions positions of the specified pixel value

ImageAccumulate gives the integral image

Image3DSlices gives the 2D image slices for a 3D image

ConformImages gives a list of images with conforming properties

Image Options

Options find the options of an image

ColorSpace in what color space to interpret channel values ("RGB", "CMYK", etc.)

Interleaving whether to interleave channels into the data array

MetaInformation arbitrary metadata imported and exported with an image

ImageSize  ▪  Magnification  ▪  ImageResolution

Colors & Levels »

ImageHistogram histogram of levels by channel

FindThreshold global threshold that partitions the intensity levels

DominantColors find a list of dominant colors

ImageCooccurrence co-occurrence matrix of image pixel intensities

BinaryImageQ  ▪  Binarize  ▪  ImageLevels  ▪  ...

ColorConvert convert between color spaces

AlphaChannel  ▪  ColorSeparate  ▪  ColorCombine

Dynamic Viewer

DynamicImage display a dynamic view of an image, a file or a URL

ZoomCenter  ▪  ZoomFactor

Image Decompositions

KarhunenLoeveDecomposition  ▪  PrincipalComponents

Importing & Exporting

Import, Export import, export in all standard formats