Raster Image Formats

The Wolfram Language can export anything it displaysgraphics, text, formulas, notebooksto any standard raster image format. It can also import from such formats to give Wolfram Language symbolic graphics, arrays of values, or metadata in various forms.

Import import an image as well as metadata, color profiles, etc.

Export export an image with specified options

"GIF" GIF and animated GIF (.gif)

"JPEG" JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg)

"TIFF" TIFF including fax etc. (.tiff, .tif)

"PNG" PNG format (.png)

"HEIF" High Efficiency Image Format (.heic, .heif)

"WebP" WebP format (.webp)

"JPEG2000" JPEG 2000 / JP2 format (.jp2, .j2k)

"OpenEXR" theatrical film raster image format (.exr)

"Raw" raw camera sensor data (.raw, .arw, .crw, .nef, .nrw, .dng, ...)

"RLE" run length encoding (.rle)

"ICC" color profile format (.icc, .icm)

System-Specific General Formats

"BMP" Microsoft bitmap format (.bmp)

System Support Formats

"ACO" Adobe color palette format (.aco)

"XBM" X bitmap format (suitable for C source code) (.xbm)

"CUR", "ICO" cursor, icon Windows resource formats

"ICNS" Macintosh icon package format (.icns)

"PCX" Windows paintbrush format (.pcx)

Image & Rendering Formats

"PBM", "PGM", "PPM", "PNM" ASCII portable bitmap formats

"PXR" Pixar raster format (.pxr)

"TGA" TrueVision Targa format (.tga)

Printing-Related Formats

"SCT" Scitex CT prepress format (.sct)

Geospatial Raster Formats

"GeoTIFF" annotated TIFF raster file (.tif, .tiff)

Scientific & Medical Image Formats »

"FITS" FITS astronomical image format (.fit, .fits)

"DICOM" DICOM medical image format (.dcm, .dic)

"HDF", "HDF5", "NASACDF", "NetCDF" scientific data and image formats

Raw Formats

"RawBitmap" pure binary bitmap data, with type and dimensions specified separately

Common Data Elements

"Image" image object that displays as the image

"Data" array of numbers or lists giving numerical color values

"Rules" rules for all elements

"Elements" all available elements


ImageSize  ▪  ImageResolution  ▪  Background

ArrayPlot generate graphics from an array of color or grayscale levels

Rasterize convert any Wolfram Language output to a raster representation