Symbol Handling
Wolfram Language symbols are the ultimate atoms of symbolic data. Every symbol has a unique name, exists in a certain Wolfram Language context or namespace, and can have a variety of types of values and attributes.
Symbol — the head of a symbol; create a symbol from a name
SymbolName — give the name of a symbol as a string
Context — give the name of the context of a symbol
Names — find a list of symbols with names matching a pattern
NameQ — test whether a string corresponds to the name of any symbol
Remove — completely remove a symbol so its name is no longer recognized
$NewSymbol — a function to be applied to the name of any new symbol
ValueQ — test whether a symbol can be considered to have a value
OwnValues ▪ DownValues ▪ UpValues ▪ SubValues
Information — give information on the values of a symbol
Definition — print values of a symbol in a form that can be stored in a package
DefaultValues ▪ Options ▪ Attributes
Clear — clear all values associated with a symbol
Save — save values associated with a symbol
FullDefinition — print the information saved using Save
ExcludedContexts, IncludedContexts — options to limit recursive definition saving
Unique — generate a symbol with a unique name
Converting between Expressions and Strings »
ToString ▪ ToExpression ▪ ...