Video Editing

Overview »
The Wolfram Language provides advanced yet easy to use video-editing capabilities to trim, crop, join or split videos. Videos with multiple audio, subtitle and video tracks of any frame resolution and frame rate are supported.
VideoTranscode — transcode video using suitable properties
Temporal Editing
VideoJoin — join multiple videos sequentially
VideoTrim — trim regions of interest from a video
VideoDelete — delete unwanted regions from a video
VideoTimeStretch — make the video slower or faster
VideoSplit ▪ VideoInsert ▪ VideoReplace ▪ VideoCombine
Spatial Editing
ImageResize — resize video frames
ImageTake ▪ ImageTrim ▪ ImageCrop ▪ ImageResize ▪ ImageRotate ▪ ImageEffect ▪ ImageTransformation ▪ ImageForwardTransformation ▪ ImagePerspectiveTransformation ▪ ColorNegate ▪ Darker ▪ Lighter ▪ ImageRecolor
Audio Editing
AudioTrackApply — filter an audio track of a video
AudioNormalize ▪ AudioPitchShift ▪ LowpassFilter ▪ AudioReverb ▪ ...
General Editing
VideoFrameMap — process frames of a video
VideoMap — process video frames and audio tracks
Combine Video
OverlayVideo — overlay an image or video on top of another
GridVideo — create a grid of videos
Video Generation Options
VideoEncoding ▪ AudioEncoding ▪ BitRate ▪ ConformationMethod
ShowSubtitles ▪ SubtitleStyle ▪ SubtitleEncoding
GeneratedAssetLocation ▪ GeneratedAssetFormat ▪ $GeneratedAssetLocation