Video Creation

Overview »
Together with a complete graphics language, a high-level set of visualization functions and a variety of image- and audio-processing capabilities, the Wolfram Language provides flexible and highly customizable routines for video creation, ranging from recording from webcams and screens to generating dynamic visualizations.
Direct Import & Export
Import, Export — import from and export to video files
"MP4" ▪ "QuickTime" ▪ "AVI" ▪ "Ogg" ▪ "Matroska" ▪ "VideoFormat"
Video Capture
VideoCapture — capture video from a webcam or any other connected device
VideoScreenCapture — perform screen recording for the whole screen, a notebook, etc.
High-Level Video Creation
TourVideo — create a tour from a 2D image or graphics
Tour3DVideo — create a tour from a 3D graphic, image or geometry
ConstantVideo — create a constant video of a given duration
FrameListVideo — construct a video from a list of frames
SlideShowVideo — generate a slide show video from a list of images or expressions
SnippetsVideo — create a video summary from multiple snippets
GridVideo — create a grid of videos
OverlayVideo — overlay an image or video on top of another
Full-Control Video Creation
AnimationVideo — generate video frames by evaluating an expression at different values
ManipulateVideo — video from manipulated expressions with user-defined controls
KeyframeActions — keyframe actions when creating videos from Manipulate expressions
VideoFrameMap — filter video by applying a function to each frame
VideoMap — filter video frames and audio tracks
SowVideo, ReapVideo — sow video snippets to later reap the full video
VideoGenerator — generate video from arbitrary functions
Programmatic Video Capture
VideoRecord — record from connected imaging devices or displays
VideoStream ▪ VideoPlay ▪ VideoPause ▪ VideoStop ▪ VideoStreams ▪ RemoveVideoStream
Video Properties
ImageDimensions — get dimensions of video frames
ImageChannels ▪ ImageAspectRatio ▪ AudioSampleRate ▪ AudioChannels
Video Generation Options
RasterSize ▪ BitRate ▪ ConformationMethod ▪ VideoTransparency
GeneratedAssetLocation ▪ GeneratedAssetFormat ▪ $GeneratedAssetLocation
VideoEncoding ▪ AudioEncoding ▪ SubtitleEncoding