Web Formats

The Wolfram Language can automatically create sophisticated web content, with cascading styles, templating, and many options. Its symbolic architecture allows arbitrary web structures to be created directly using programmatic tools. The Wolfram Language can also import web content, converting to symbolic form or "scraping" for data that can immediately be processed.

"Markdown" markdown (.md) format

"HTML" HTML with many options for templating, CSS, etc. (.html, .htm)

"HTMLFragment" HTML fragment with many options for templating, CSS, etc. (.html)

"XHTML" XML-syntax HTML (.xhtml)

Graphics Formats

"GIF" static or animated GIFs (.gif)

"JPEG" JPEG, with selectable quality levels (.jpeg, .jpg)

"X3D" X3D web geometry format (.x3d)

Audio Formats »

"MP3"  ▪  "AIFF"  ▪  "WAV"  ▪  "MIDI"  ▪  ...

Video Formats »

"MP4"  ▪  "Ogg"  ▪  "QuickTime"  ▪  ...

"NB" Wolfram System notebook format (.nb)

"MathML" MathML math content format

"XHTMLMathML" XHTML with embedded MathML

"PDF" Adobe PDF format (.pdf)

"XML" arbitrary XML

Data Interchange Formats

"RawJSON" JSON with objects as associations

"JSON" JSON with objects as rule lists (.json)

"ExpressionJSON" JSON with arrays only, representing expressions

"UBJSON" binary format based on JSON

"RSS" RSS feed format (.rss)

Configuration Formats

"PHPIni" format for php.ini files (.ini)

"JavaProperties" Java properties files (.properties)

Web Transmission Formats

"HTTPRequest" HTTP request as transmitted to a web server

"HTTPResponse" HTTP response as generated by a web server

"WARC" web archive format (.warc)

Logging Format

"ApacheLog" Apache log file format